Friday, July 27, 2007

Message from David Hiller - Publisher LAT

From: Hiller, David
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 1:50 PM
To: zzAll LATimes Employees
Subject: Suggestion Box on TimesLink


My experience is that most of the best ideas on changing and improving our business come from colleagues who see opportunities in their dealings with readers, online users, advertisers, other departments, etc. — in other words, their first hand experiences. A lot of you have sent me emails and notes with your suggestions, and I know a ton of ideas get raised directly in your departments.

But to make sure we’re getting as many good ideas as we can, we are implementing a suggestion that came from several of you — creating an electronic suggestion box on TimesLink.

I hope you’ll click on it to submit your ideas, feedback, and insight. If you have a suggestion that will improve our business, save money, increase circulation or revenue, or just make the day to day operations of your department more efficient — we want to know. Also, be sure to pass along ideas and suggestions you hear from our customers, or your neighbors, or things you see competing media doing that we ought to consider.

We’ll take a good look at everything, get back to everybody who sends something in, and put the best ideas into action fast.

As “Times Change,” my guess is experience will again show that you have the best ideas about how we move ahead.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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