In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.
Alex Haley
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thought For Today 1-30-2010
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
Henri Bergson
Henri Bergson
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thought For Today 1-29-2010
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Thought For Today 1-28-2010
It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.
Robert G. Ingersoll
Thursday Morning in the Blogosphere
LAT Press Operator Juan Mariscal having a good laugh
- LA Times goes back to school - Gary Scott
- Will the iPad save newspapers? - Tabloid Baby
- iPad Demo Includes Newspaper Use - E&P in Exile
- Greenwood Lake paper closing - Times Herald Record
- City Union Leader's View of What Went Wrong - Ron Kaye
- Chavez Stomps Media: Two Students Killed - Marc Cooper
- Star Tribune newsroom eliminates 26 workers - Star Tribune
- McClatchy Reports Growth in 4th Quarter 2009 Earnings - McClatchy
- Crazy Gideon: I'm Going Out Of Business and I Mean It - Blog Downtown
- Why Doesn't the LA Times Cover Rain Fall Amounts? - Brady Westwater
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
LA Times Travel Show, Feb 13-14, 2010
This is the TV spot created by Andrew Wahlquist for the Los Angeles Times Travel & Adventures Show, February 13 & 14 2010 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
Los Angeles Times Travel Show
VO by John Pruden, Copy by Holly Levin & Jim Fisher, Art Director Donna Broyles, Motion Graphics by Andrew Wahlquist
Guild "disappointed" with ruling on Tribune bonuses
Press release
The Newspaper Guild-Communications Workers of America
Bonuses for Mid-level Managers Approved at Tribune Co.; No Decision Yet for Top Execs.
Washington, D.C. -- Judge Kevin Carey approved $45.6 million in bonuses for some 700 Tribune Company executives today in federal bankruptcy court in Wilmington, Del. However, the judge took no action on two other components of the bonus program which would have meant more than $20 million more in bonuses for top corporate management.
Supported by other unions and the U.S. Trustee, the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild (WBNG) objected to the proposed bonuses. Tribune, currently undergoing reorganization through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy process, has about $13 billion in debt.
The following statement was issued by M. William Salganik, past president of WBNG and its representative to the Tribune creditors' committee.
"We're disappointed that the judge has approved the first level of bonuses. Tribune is paying out the largest amount ever through this bonus – more than triple the amount it paid for 2008. At the same time, operating cash flow is the lowest since the program started in 1997 – down more than one-third from 2008. We think it is too generous for the circumstances this year, and we believe that cash should be conserved to pay creditors and to invest in the business.
"However, we're pleased that the judge has not approved the remaining two levels of extra payouts to top executives, which are much more generous than the "regular" bonuses. We're glad that the objections by the Guild and other unions, and by the United States Trustee, have led the judge to give this bonus program such scrutiny. We believe these bonuses are excessive for Tribune at this time. We hope the judge ultimately agrees.
"Not just for Tribune, as it tries to emerge from bankruptcy, but for the economy as a whole, it's important to examine the role that executive bonuses should play. The Guild believes companies that use an executive bonus program need to make sure it is truly tied to performance, and that the program provides the proper set of incentives. In Tribune's case, the program rewards cash flow, not revenue, and the executives exceeded their targets through an aggressive program of shrinking the products and the workforce. We don't believe this is a good long-term business plan.
"Finally, although Tribune says its executives wouldn't be motivated to work hard without bonuses, we think more highly of our bosses. While we sometimes disagree with them, we think they're dedicated professionals who would do their best with or without bonuses -- just as thousands of non-executive employees are working hard for Tribune every day with no bonuses."
SOURCE: Romenesko
The Los Angeles Times will miss you Andrew Nystrom
Andrew's departure is different than most we read about at the Los Angeles Times, he's leaving on his own accord to work for Red Bull.
If your path has crossed Andrew's you know this young man is a class act, and his talents will be sorely missed at
He is a husband and father to two beautiful children, and mentioned he may return the the newspaper sometime down the road, with additional skills to boot.
Tony Pierce will assume Andrew's duties while the company decides to either fill his position or not.
As we enjoyed a smoke outside David Rensin
was exiting the building, so naturally I said hello and asked if TJ Sullivan was still in the house.
To my embarrassment he said TJ was standing next to him.
I'm off to the newspaper for my 1pm shift.
David Lazarus: Phone rate hikes coming
Beginning in January 2011, AT&T and other phone companies will be permitted to jack up basic rates as much as they want -- no regulatory limits will apply.
Read more at: Los Angeles Times
Editors Note: I have pondered what life would be like without a landline, as my entire household has personal cell phones? Would enjoy hearing from readers that live without a home phone.
Tribune Co. Exec's Granted Bonuses
I follow many interesting users on Twitter that post news articles that are informative and sometimes just odd. Funny_News posts stories that are in other words, weird and or funny. The headline below will be submitted as odd as the Tribune Company is in bankruptcy because the suppliers cannot be paid, yet the company will pay out millions in bonuses next month.
Bankruptcy court approves Tribune bonus payments
WILMINGTON, Del. (Reuters) - Bankrupt media company Tribune Co can pay about $45 million in bonuses to hundreds of managers, the largest such payment in at least 12 years, after a judge overruled union objections on Wednesday.Thirty-nine of my colleagues working in the pressroom for the Los Angeles Times will be losing their livelihood on March 15th, 2010, yet they will receive no severance whatsoever as everyone else leaving the Tribune Company. Their only crime, they belong to a union. Does the Tribune Company dislike union's so much they must punish their workers that join and support a union?
The owner of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times as well as more than 20 television stations will begin paying the bonuses next month to as many as 720 senior employees as part of its annual incentive plan.
The Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild opposed the payments, which it said rewarded declining performance at a time when the company had frozen salaries for most staff.
Entire article can be read here.
Thought For Today 1-27-2010
There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it behooves all of us not to talk about the rest of us.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Eagle Rock Brewery -- starting a beer revolution
Steven and Jeremy Raub are the father / son owners of Eagle Rock Brewery in Glassell Park. They run the first craft brewery set up for distribution in Los Angeles, and are utilizing interesting ingredients from kefir lime to rose petals. Read it here: BrandX Los Angeles Times
Wednesday Morning in the Blogosphere
LAT Orange County Pressman Mark Austin
- Arguing Against Pay Walls - Jeff Jarvis
- Pressman Jobs in California - iHire Printing
- TheWrap Celebrates First Birthday - Pandora
- Seattle Times to Singleton: Time to sell - Gary Scott
- January 25, 2010 News - Los Angeles Media Moves
- Let the Star Tribune byline strike begin - Fading to Black
- How to Survive in the Age of Layoffs - Displaced Journalists
- LAT names a new Readers' Representative - Kevin Roderick
- Newspaper Publishers Have Faith in Apple Tablet - E&P in Exile
- Riding the Rails: The Gold Line's Eastside Extension - Franklin Ave.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Redwood Bar and Grill
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Time: 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: The Redwood Bar & Grill
Street: 316 W. 2nd St.
City/Town: Los Angeles, CA
Farewell party for Andrew Nystrom, tomorrow will be his last day at the Los Angeles Times online edition.
TJ Sullivan will also be hosting a party for his new book Boon at 6:30pm at same location.
I will stop in at 8:45pm to see if anyone is still there?
Newsday union meets with management to discuss contract rejection
Press release
Newsday union meets with management to explain 473-10 vote against proposed contract
January 26, 2010, Melville, NY – Local 406 executive board members met with Newsday management today to discuss the results of the Sunday's contract vote in which union members rejected a proposed contract 473 to 10 with 90 percent of the eligible members voting.
The union acknowledges that the newspaper industry is facing unprecedented challenges. Newsday executives say the company is hurting financially, and Local 406 stands ready to help.
"We are willing as in the past to assist Newsday in obtaining a stable financial footing," union officials said in a statement released today. "But in doing so, it should be a true partnership between the company and its workers, one that recognizes the hard work of the company's truck drivers, press operators, electronic pre-press workers, platemakers, maintenance workers, reporters, editors and photographers."
As Local 406 heads back into talks with the company, it will have help from its parent Graphic Communications Conference / International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
GCC / IBT president George Tedeschi, based in Washington, D.C., has said he will be present to assist Local 406 in all future discussions. Newsday and the union have tentatively agreed to meet again early next month. "If Newsday is serious about resolving its financial problems, it should be willing to work in partnership with the union and not dictate company edicts," Tedeschi said.
As Sunday's overwhelming vote demonstrates, Local 406 of the GCC/IBT believes Newsday's initial proposal fell far short of achieving that balance for the following reasons:
- Changes in language governing seniority and buyout provisions appeared to make it easier for Newsday to cut jobs – not preserve them, as a Newsday spokeswoman suggested.
* It lowered salaries by 10 percent to 15 percent.
* It lengthened the work week from 35 to 40 hours with no additional pay.
* It reduced paid vacation time by up to one week.
* It cut by 20 percent the mileage reimbursement for driving to assignments.
These, along with numerous other items, added up to nearly a 25-percent cut in the hourly wage for some employees.
Union officials pointed out that while it is true that other unions have made concessions recently at financially troubled papers, Newsday is located in the New York City metropolitan area where no newspaper has made such cuts.
"Newsday workers will not give up everything in exchange for nothing," union officials said. "Local 406 is not blind to the problems of the company and the industry, but Newsday's response was disproportionate to those challenges. We look forward to seeking an amicable resolution to this situation."
SOURCE: Poynter Online
Thought For Today 1-26-2010
Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means.
Albert Einstein
Monday, January 25, 2010
gary scott: Bombs in Baghdad damage LA Times, WaPost bureaus
By Gary Scott
The bomb attacks that hit Baghdad this morning did damage to the bureaus of the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times and injured some of their employees.
From the Post:
Three Post employees were wounded by flying glass. Two of them sustained head injuries, and a third has broken ribs and a broken arm. All three are conscious, and the injuries do not appear life-threatening.
At least one Times employee suffered similar injuries, according to Baghdad correspondent Liz Sly, who spoke with Warren Olney on today's "To The Point."
At least 36 people were killed and 71 injured in the blasts, which come as Iraq prepares for March elections.
gary scott: Bombs in Baghdad damage LA Times, WaPost bureaus
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Bankruptcy Judge Set to Approve Bonuses for Tribune Co. Execs on Tuesday
DOVER, Del. A Delaware bankruptcy judge is ready to approve Tribune Co.'s request to pay bonuses of up to $45 million to hundreds of managers, including the media conglomerate's top 10 executives.
In an order Thursday, the judge said that unless he receives any objection by noon Tuesday, he is prepared to grant Tribune's request at a hearing Thursday.
The judge heard arguments on the bonuses in September. On Wednesday, Tribune attorneys informed him that the bonuses at issue typically are paid in February and asked that they be considered separately from two other incentive plans the company has proposed.
Tribune, which owns several major newspapers and 23 TV stations, sought bankruptcy protection in 2008 because of dwindling advertising revenues and a $13 billion debt load.
Bankruptcy Judge Set to Approve Bonuses for Tribune Co. Execs on Tuesday
Sunday Night in the Blogosphere
Gary Bunch, Sergeant at Arms for GCC/IBT Local 140N
- Do I really think a camera is racist? - JozJozJoz
- New online competitor for newspapers - BBC News
- What happens after MediaNews's bankruptcy? - Gary Scott
- Exile on Main Street? Thanks for Your Support - E&P in Exile
- TJS, and the Knight News Challenge - The Journalism Shop
- State of the State: Pop-up edition — how we did it - Paper Cuts
- Lee Enterprises sees profit, improving ad trends - The Modesto Bee
- Riverside facility has opening for 1st Pressman - Get Pressman Jobs
- I’m moving to Honolulu to become editor of Peer News - John Temple
- Newsday Employees Reject Contract With Pay Cuts - New York Times
Newsday staff Reject Proposed Contract
From Lou Nicosia, Union Steward GCC/IBT LOCAL 406 - C at Newsday
The people spoke.
Local 406 overwhelmingly turned down the contract proposals 473-10.
This is not a declaration of war it only means we will be returning to the table. We want to work out an agreement with Newsday. We had tried to help them by giving them considerable operating cost savings, but they were just too greedy. We told them at the table that these proposals would not pass but they didn’t want to listen. What we found most appalling was while asking for wage reductions they handed out millions in bonus pay to Cablevision execs. I was especially proud of the Pressman Bargaining Unit which voted 158-0. I will keep you posted on further discussions.
Peace, Lou.
Operations Employees at Newsday
Teamsters president urges Newsday staff to reject proposed contract
To: Members of GCC/IBT Local 406-C
From: James P. Hoffa, General President
Date: January 7, 2010
Subject: Newsday Contract
Your struggle for a fair and decent contract with Newsday was recently brought to my attention by Graphic Communications Conference/IBT President George Tedeschi and IBT Newspaper Drivers Conference Director Joe Molinero. I want you to know that you have my full support and the full support of the 1.4 million member Teamsters organization in your fight.
I understand that economic times are tough. But, we do not have to accept woefully inadequate contracts that slash our wages, provide sub-standard working conditions and outsource our jobs, especially from a company that recently gave out millions of dollars in bonuses to its corporate executives.
Due to the significant number of concession in the contract offer proposed by Newsday that would have a substantial impact on you and your families, I concur with Conference President Tedeschi's and Director Molinero's call to reject this contract.
When you return to the bargaining table, you will have my full support and the backing of the entire Teamsters organization as you seek to reach an acceptable agreement for a new contract with Newsday that respects your contributions to the newspaper and adequately provides for you and your families.
Editors note: The vote was postponed till today, January 24th, 2010, waiting for the results.
SOURCE: Romenesko
Thought For Today 1-24-2010
Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength.
Frances De Sales
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Thought For Today 1-23-2010
Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around encouraging young things to grow.
Thornton Wilder
Friday, January 22, 2010
Angry People
"I don't have time for them. As much as there is in this world to be annoyed about, there's even more to enjoy, to engage in, and to pique my curious nature. It's all a matter of how you want to spend your time on this good earth, the change you want to effect both in yourself and with others. I chose to be amongst the living, not the nearly imploding."
Read the rest at:
Get Lost With Easy-Writer
Thought For Today 1-22-2010
The intoxication of anger, like that of the grape, shows us to others, but hides us from ourselves.
John Dryden
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thursday Night in the Blogosphere
Former LA Times Pressmen Nick Ochoa, Jonathan DeLeon,
and current employee Victor Banuelos
and current employee Victor Banuelos
- Bankrupting LA -- Who's Fault Is It? - Ron Kaye
- Bay Area news startup names editor - Kevin Roderick
- Placer Sentinel calls it quits - for now - Auburn Journal
- Keeping us safe from the terrors of a free press - Gary Scott
- 2010: Layoffs and buyouts at U.S. newspapers - Paper Cuts
- Radiohead to Play Los Angeles to Raise Money for Haiti - LAist
- Tribune Co. seeks approval for modified bonus plan - Save Our Trade
- Air America: No More Live Programming Filing Chapter 7 - Tina Dupuy
- Bake Sale to Benefit Doctors Without Borders - Los Angeles Metblogs
- Teamsters president urges Newsday staff to reject proposed contract - Poynter
E&P In Exile: Reporters Covering Haiti Hassled -- in USA
Orlando Sentinel reports that two U.S. reporters just back from covering, at great peril and with distinction, the disaster in Haiti were hassled and "bullied" by the airport chief on landing in Orlando. One of them is friend Tina Susman, longtime L.A. Times reporter whose Iraq coverage I've hailed on numerous occasions. The other from the WSJ. -- Greg Mitchell
E&P In Exile: Reporters Covering Haiti Hassled -- in USA
Thought For Today 1-21-2010
The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.
William James
William James
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Los Angeles Times "Olympic Mystery Tour" - 1990
In early 1990.... members of the Los Angeles Times Mailroom "TEAM" journeyed from the 2nd floor at Times Mirror Square to take a look at the Olympic Plant while it was under construction.... with the intent of making a video for all the "Mailers" in the department. This is the result of that tour... which was never shown within the department, having been deemed "too weird" by my colleagues on the 9th floor in Employee Relations.
The conclusion of the L.A. Times "Mailers" journey into the Olympic heart of darkness...
Big thanks to Mike Klop, a former Los Angeles Times Pressman, for sharing this twenty year old video with us. Seems everyone is a former employee of the LA Times, well almost!
Wednesday Night in the Blogosphere
Pressmen Richard Olmeda and Danny Berumen
Danny will become a former LA Times employee on March 15th, 2010
Danny will become a former LA Times employee on March 15th, 2010
- Reefer Madness in LA Ends - Ron Kaye
- A Farewell to Army Archerd - Franklin Ave
- January 15, 2010 News - Los Angeles Media Moves
- Media Analysts Weigh In On 'NYT' Pay Plan - E&P in Exile
- Bankruptcies could make strange bedfellows in L.A. - Gary Scott
- Haiti: When Reporters Become Part of the Story - Celeste Fremon
- Who Will Tell Haiti’s Story in the Future? - Newspaper Death Watch
- Patch Editor: 'We are in Communities that Sometimes Get Ignored' - Poynter
- Why the Denver Post's Has Declared Bankruptcy - 5280 Denver's Magazine
- Transcontinental's streamlining means layoffs at N.S. papers - Chronicle Herald
Tribune: We finished 2009 with close to $500 million in operating cash flow
Note from Tribune chief executive Randy Michaels and chief operating officer Gerry Spector
From: Tribune Communications
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 13:18
Subject: Message from Randy and Gerry/2009 Financial Results
As we reach the midpoint of January, now is a good time to give you a quick update about our financial results for 2009. We're still going through the numbers, but thanks to a stronger than expected performance by both the Broadcasting and Publishing Groups in the fourth quarter, it appears we will finish the year with close to $500 million in operating cash flow. Given that we started the year like most media companies, feeling as though we would be fighting for our very survival, this is truly a remarkable achievement.
Thank you for making it possible.
You should be proud. You worked hard, you innovated, you were aggressive, you kept expenses low, and you led from the front. We also got some help from outside the company-newsprint prices turned lower, retailers had a slightly better than expected holiday season, and the economy is improving a little bit.
It's unclear whether these trends will continue, so we'll have to work even faster in 2010. We'll still have to keep our expenses in check and be as efficient as possible, but we're optimistic about where we're headed.
Thanks again for your hard work last year. We're making great progress, let's continue doing so in 2010.
Randy and Gerry
SOURCE: Romenesko
All This From A Bottle Of Marinara
"Last autumn The Newman's Own Awards donated $175,000 to organizations that support and improve the quality of life for those in the military."Read more, and find coupons at:
The Kitchen Dispatch
Thought For Today 1-20-2010
Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they do when they stick together.
Verna M. Kelly
Verna M. Kelly
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Phony Brigadier General: I've Seen The Elephant Too
LA Times, if you're worth the Sunday edition --you will follow this lead. If you don't, then naff off.
"Fake soldiers soak in the good will from civilians as they pretend to be soldiers who have done the gritty work of war. They besmirch the memory of those soldiers who have lost their lives.
The latest had the gall to show up to a party in Houston dressed to the nines as a Brigadier General. "
Read the rest at:
The Kitchen Dispatch
Boon, A Novel:
Boon, a novel by TJ Sullivan, available now in bookstores and online. More information available at
Thought For Today 1-19-2010
The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action.
John Dewey
Monday, January 18, 2010
Great Newspaper Commercial (Ilta-Sanomat)
The finnish newspaper gives a different look on how paper news and web news work together.
h/t E&P in Exile
Monday Night in the Blogosphere
Ladon Brooks, Larry Washington, and Eva Jones
Both presswomen has been given their pink slips
Both presswomen has been given their pink slips
- The right to link - Jeff Jarvis
- Avoiding the "B" word - Gary Scott
- Addition by Subtraction? - E&P in Exile
- Miami News Reunion Recalls Good Old Days - Jour MO2
- Mayor Sam Blog going on a hiatus - Mayor Sam's Sister City
- Why you're seeing more copy-editing errors in The Post - WaPo
- L.A. Times loses another top reporter to ProPublica - Kevin Roderick
- The Beginning of the End of Competing Newspapers in LA - Ron Kaye
- Toronto Star Cancels its Plan to Contract Out Jobs of Editors - Bloomberg
- Special bonuses to Freedom Forum and Newseum employees - Gannett Blog
Los Angeles Times Pressman Speaks Out
Albaro L Albanes
January 18, 2010
Keith Denson
Executive Vice President
GCC-IBT Local 140-N
Dear Keith:
I listened to your recorded message about today’s meeting with the company representatives. It really saddens me to realize that, just like the last time, you negotiated the existing contract and the previous group of pressmen that got layed off. Your negotiating skills continue to lack the experience you mentioned in the past.
You said, you were not going to negotiate with our future, but you are gambling with mine and the other 38 that will be leaving soon. The company has proven that, with or without contract, they will continue doing whatever they need to do; grievances will continue to pile up and we have to wait for procedures to follow through. The company on the other hand, they have not stopped making changes without following procedures or protocols.
It is time to understand our reality, in my case, I still feel the first few seconds after I wake up in the mornings that it was nothing but a bad dream, well… it’s real. I am grateful that in the almost 30 years I worked for The Times I was able to provide for my family and see them grow and become hard working individuals.
This economy affected everyone, at this point, any severance that the union may be able to negotiate for us; it will help us a great deal. Just remember that while you will continue the fight, you will continue earning a pay check that we don’t have the luxury of, any more. We all have families and bills to pay.
Albaro L Albanes
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi anticipated the fight of her life when she inserted the public option into the House's historic health care bill. Recent media attention proves she was right.
Whereas, most prizefighters seclude themselves at mountain retreats to train, relax, and focus before a big fight; Speaker Pelosi knew exactly where to turn for her inspiration - the Delancey Street Foundation. We all know that Speaker Pelosi has a big family and extensive political network, but Saturday's invitation-only event billed as a New Year's celebration proved just how big - in the true Italian sense of the word.
First of all, the Speaker not only considers Delancey Street Foundation one of her favorite charities in America, but also an important part of her extended family. Delancey Street Foundation is considered the country's leading residential self-help organization for high school drop-outs, substance abusers, ex-convicts, homeless and others who have hit bottom. The non-profit gets their residents back on their feet and into productive lives.. They have served as a national model for over 39 years and operate facilities in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and New Mexico. The Speaker has supported Delancey since their inception, cut the ribbon to their 400,000 square foot campus on the San Francisco waterfront in 1991, and even celebrated her ascension to the Speakership there.
Saturday's 400 capacity crowd included Madame Speaker, California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton, His Honor Willie Brown, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, San Francisco DA Kamala Harris, and openly gay California Senator Mark Leno. Rounding out the crowd were Delancey Street founder Mimi Silbert, Pelosi intern-turned-Hollywood Producer Brian Quintana, husband Paul Pelosi, Paul Pelosi Jr., daughter Christine Pelosi (with writer-producer hubby Peter Kaufman), and the newest member of the Pelosi Family - granddaughter Isabella Kaufman - who the Speaker proudly allowed to steal the show.
Sure the Speaker talked health care: “Any bill we approve will have to pass the Triple A test,” she said: “Affordability, specifically for the middle class, Accountability – insurance companies will have to be held accountable; and Accessibility,” but that's not why this group was gathered. "You are here because you are family," exclaimed the Speaker. She thanked John Burton who introduced her as the "heart and guts Speaker," and acknowledged Fred Ross Jr. who orchestrated her first campaign for Congress in 1987. She then went on to thank a who's who of Democratic activist, labor leaders, teachers, nurses, environmentalists, firefighters, cops, students and other faithful supporters - all of whom she recognized by first name.
The Speaker stayed for several hours. She wasn't smiling so much as beaming while dozens of the 14,000+ graduates and residents of Delancey Street Foundation worked the room. There were enough hugs, cheers and chocolate to armor Pelosi for the next wave of blistering attacks. If Speaker Pelosi's commitment and drive since she returned to the Hill is any indication then we encourage all members of Congress to spend more time with family at the cause of their choice.
Delancey Link:
Haiti, The 82nd Airborne, The American Red Cross
"I'm grateful that the U.S. military has sent over medical teams, soldiers and supplies. Good on the 82nd Airborne."
Read the rest at:
The Kitchen Dispatch
(and hats off to the LA Times for such great photos).
Soles 4 Souls - Haiti Relief - Donate your shoes
Soles4Souls has a simple mission: To impact as many lives as possible with the gift of shoes.
Soles4Souls is a charity that collects shoes from the warehouses of footwear companies and the closets of people like you. The charity distributes these shoes free of charge to people in need, regardless of race, religion, class, or any other criteria. Since 2005, Soles4Souls has given away over 5.5 million pairs of new and gently worn shoes (currently donating one pair every 9 seconds.) The shoes have been distributed to people in over 125 countries, including Kenya, Thailand, Nepal and the United States.
Soles4Souls has been featured in Runner's World, Ladies' Home Journal, National Geographic's Green Guide and The New York Times. It has appeared on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, CNN and thousands of regional news outlets across North America. Soles4Souls is a 501(c)(3) recognized by the IRS and donating parties are eligible for tax advantages.
To learn more about Soles4Souls, please visit
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Apology to Members
By Ronnie Pineda
I deeply apologize to the members that were offended or upset by my comments that were directed towards(mis)-management. I became very, very angry after months of being lied to while attempting to obtain answers on the members behalf regarding the closing of O.C.
I realize O.C. was rumored to close for some time now, and it eventually would be, but when we ask questions that you want answered, don't you expect to receive an honest answer? So do I! I wasn't upset so much that they were lying to Keith's and my faces, but that ALL of you were being lied to once again.
I DETEST liars and that is the reason I had to say what I said. I have absolutely no regrets for what I said because that is how I honestly feel. I spoke the truth many of you would echo if you could do so without repercussion. It is those of you that I represented in my comments.
I want everyone to know that those words were from Ronnie the Pressman, not Ronnie the President. I have always conducted myself in a professional manner when addressing the company on behalf of the membership from the very beginning, management has shown no interest in reciprocating by lying blatantly to its employees.
This behavior should not be easily dismissed and a demand for honesty should be imposed upon management by each and every employee. Just because you know they lie doesn't mean its O.K. DEMAND TRUTH and HONESTY from the Company and require them to also treat their employees in a professional and ethical manner. In other words, STOP LYING!
I assure the members that I will show the restraint necessary to represent the membership in a professional manner and give my word that I will refrain from unleashing my inner thoughts upon management again in the future.................if there is one!
Comments can be left here.
Thought For Today 1-18-2010
Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both.
John Andrew Holmes
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A War For Your Soul
This is quite compelling. Black, White, or indifferent, there's a message. Agree or disagree, but take a minute to listen. And if you have someone to share it with, then feel free to do so.
We know that Birmingham's Mayor has had his own issues recently, but the focus is not on him, but on the message!
YES WE CAN! Not only as African-Americans, but as a HUMAN RACE!
Thought For Today 1-17-2010
An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in his understanding of things.
Bryant H. McGill
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Services for John Rickett Sr.
Services for retired Los Angeles Times Press Room Supervisor John Rickett Sr., will be held on Wednesday, January 20th, 2010 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Grace Baptist Church
22833 Copper Hill Drive
Santa Clarita, CA. 91350
Condolenses can be sent to:
Rickett Family
18185 Sundowner 843
Canyon Country, CA. 91387
Thought For Today 1-16-2010
As we grow as unique persons, we learn to respect the uniqueness of others.
Robert Schuller
Robert Schuller
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thought For Today 1-15-2010
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding about ourselves.
Carl Jung
Lazarus: Censoring Google
Los Angeles Times Columnist David Lazarus is shocked to learn that China may be fiddling with the Net.
Los Angeles Times Retirees Breakfast
From Emmett Jaime
Happy New Year to all of you and your families and lets hope its a good one.
Lets start the new year off right with a breakfast so mark your calendar and be sure to be there,if you plan on bringing somebody that wants to come please let me know so we can have enough seats for all of us.You know the place so make plans to be there. Please let me know if you plan to attend,thank you.
Where: Carrows Restaurant
21130 E. Golden Springs
Walnut,CA. 91789
When: Feb.9th
Time: 9:00am
The restaurant is located near the 57 and 60 Freeways, for additional directions click here for a map.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Thursday Night in the Blogosphere
Kenny Rupp, Maria Ramirez, and Juan Velazquez all soon to be
former Los Angeles Times Employees
former Los Angeles Times Employees
- Editor & Publisher revived - Gary Scott
- Back in the blogosphere - John Temple
- Lou and Me - Columbia Journalism Review
- From Echo Park to Haiti, with love - Jenny Burman
- 'E&P' Sold -- Mitchell and Strupp Out - E&P in Exile
- L.A. Opera’s $14 Million Imbroglio - Joseph Mailander
- Labor Unions and the News Media - American Spectator
- No News isn't Necessarily Good News - The Detroit Blog
- Forecasting Daily Print’s Demise - Newspaper Death Watch
- Publishers may soon find they can't afford to keep printing - Romenesko
ANOTHER Thought For Today 1-14-2010
Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.
Barbara Bush
Electronic Village: Haiti Earthquake: How Can You Help?
The news isn’t good: Officials fear the death toll will reach 100,000. Thousands upon thousands are injured. Port-au-Prince has been flattened. There are millions of Haitians who need help NOW.
Here are three tips for you to consider as you find a way to help:
1. Donating cash to established relief organizations is the best way to help because it allows professionals to get exactly what they need and does not use up scarce resources such as transportation, staff time or warehouse space.
2. If you decide to donate supplies and not cash, contact an established relief organization before you collect anything. If you have already collected items, donate them to a relief organization within your community or sell them at a yard sale or charity auction and donate the proceeds.
3. People who want to volunteer should have previous disaster or international experience or technical skills and should work through a relief organization. More information is available from the Center for International Disaster Information.
For additional ways to help visit Electronic Village by clicking on link below.
Electronic Village: Haiti Earthquake: How Can You Help?
Thought For Today 1-14-2010
You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone, which can become a watered-down, occasional hope that you'll get to tomorrow. Intention without action is useless.
Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss
L.A. Times to write news before it happens
In yet another journalism breakthrough, L.A. Times publisher Eddy Hartenstein said the paper would get rid of its printing presses and impose story deadlines so early that reporters will now have to write the news before it actually happens.
"To reduce costs, we're embarking on an ambitious plan to consolidate our printing operations to one main location – a Xerox machine on the third floor newsroom," Hartenstein said in a memo to employees.
Read more at Not the Los Angeles Times:
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A scam that hits the jackpot for stupidity
Scams involving sweepstakes and counterfeit checks are among the most commonly reported to regulators. Consumer columnist David Lazarus tells how con artists targeted a Beverly Hills couple. Read more at the Los Angeles Times.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Wednesday Night in the Blogosphere
Pressmen Keith Denson and Nick Ochoa
- Four today - Gary Scott
- Haiti Quake Flattens Media - Marc Cooper
- 10 Years in 2 Minutes With 92 Covers - Jour MO2
- Sam Zell: Tribune is Doing Really Well - Tina Dupuy
- Next Major Earthquake – Los Angeles - Jason Burns
- January 11, 2010 News - Los Angeles Media Moves
- Chronicle Execs Say Their Paper Now Profitable - SF Weekly
- Documentary Explores Industry’s Decline - Newspaper Death Watch
- Canwest papers to suspend severance payments - Winnipeg Free Press
- Rick Reilly remembers Christine Daniels and Mike Penner - Kevin Roderick
John Rickett Sr. Rest in Peace
Former Los Angeles Times Pressroom Supervisor John Rickett Sr. has passed away today. Mr. Rickett began his LA Times career at Times Mirror Square before transferring to the now shuttered Chatsworth Production Facility in 1984.
Mr. Rickett is survived by his son John Rickett Jr. a pressman at the Los Angeles Times Olympic Production Facility.
Our condolences to John Jr. and the Rickett Family.
Funeral services are pending at this time.
Thought For Today 1-13-2010
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.
James M. Barrie
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Save the newspapers, don't use the Internet
The Post's Dana Milbank takes a page from the playbook of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in order to save newspapers by encouraging the public to boycott the Internet.
Tuesday Morning in the Blogosphere
Orange County Pressmen Chuck Raney and Jess De Geytere
- Rupert Murdoch vs. the Internet - Macleans
- Google kicks AP out of the house - Gary Scott
- Newspaper pages to shrink - North County Times
- Sacramento Bee to cut 25 more jobs - Biz Journal
- Early Times? Late Times? What Times? - Jour MO2
- Speaker Pelosi returns home — For Inspiration - True Slant
- 'Star-Ledger' 'No-Layoff' Pledge Ends Feb. 5 - E&P in Exile
- 2010: Layoffs and buyouts at U.S. newspapers - Paper Cuts
- LA Times Borrows Name For New Section From Fetish Mag - Pandora
- Rumors of More Layoffs at Kansas City Star on the Rise - KC Confidential
Thought For Today 1-12-2010
Conscience is the inner voice which warns us that someone may be looking.
H. L. Mencken
Monday, January 11, 2010
Thought For Today 1-11-2010
You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day.
Marian Wright Edelman
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Thought For Today 1-10-2010
Character builds slowly, but it can be torn down within incredible swiftness.
Faith Baldwin
Faith Baldwin
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Thought For Today 1-9-2010
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
John F. Kennedy
Lazarus: Joe Camel lives!
Columnist David Lazarus wouldnt mind some truthful images from cigarette makers.
Friday, January 08, 2010
Friday Night in the Blogosphere
Marcos Rodriguez while working in the Orange County Pressroom
- Update on Plant Closing - E&P in Exile
- NYDN flips switch on new presses - News and Tech
- Assault on Sacred Cows - Newspaper Death Watch
- New Section, Deadlines for LA Times - Pandora Young
- More LAT Layoffs, Bloodletting in OC this Time - Tina Dupuy
- 2010: Layoffs and buyouts at U.S. newspapers - Erica Smith
- Is Sam Zell the Howard Stern of the newspaper industry? - TS
The Downward Spiral at the Los Angeles Times
The announcement of the shuttering of the Los Angeles Times Orange County Production Facility came as no surprise to the majority of workers in Operations, those that were shocked believed in their Tribune Boss', which I still cannot understand to this day. Management's primary goal is to reduce costs and improve the bottom line, profits. Some in management appear to enjoy cutting off the livelihood of my colleagues while others are deeply troubled.
The Blogosphere is a buzz with the decision of the Los Angeles Times to closed the Costa Mesa Facility with incorrect accounts of eighty pressmen and women to be laid off in this never ending spiral to the death of the hard copy of the newspaper we call home. The fact is thirty-nine pressmen and women are being given pink slips, with the addition of forty-one employees from Operations getting the boot. As the information flows in I will report actual numbers in each department affected.
As the news broke yesterday many employees texted and called with questions such as "Tell me this isn't true Ed?", or "Is this a mistake", and also "This has to be a rumor, our plant manager (Happy Boots) told us we could not produce the newspaper out of one facility". Unfortunately it's the truth, as we suggested last year, just two months earlier than anticipated.
For the employees remaining in Operations at the Los Angeles Times, start acting as if you were unemployed yourself and begin cutting expenses as Transcontinental is coming to town.
Save Our Trade: Business or Bullshit!
By Ronnie Pineda
We all know that the newspaper industry has suffered beyond measure, leaving great reporters to truck drivers, and everyone in between in its wake of destruction. We have all suffered immeasurable casualties of our own here at the L.A. Times, sadly at the hands of a bunch of Tribune LIARS AND CROOKS!
These same SOB's have the balls to call the Union Officers Thugs! Nothing good has ever happened to benefit the employees of the Los Angeles Times under the stewardship of Tribune Corp. RAPE AND PILLAGE has been the M.O. all along.
From Madigan to Zell, all we have witnessed is the downward spiral of a once great newspaper, not as much, in my opinion, due to the economy, as to FUCKING GREED AND MISMANAGEMENT! I am damn tired of the bullshit the company spews in the name of saving costs and creating a newspaper that the consumer will want. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER! The ineptitude of the powers that be have sent even the most loyal L.A. Times readers elsewhere, and I doubt they will come back no matter what redesign they come up with!
The thing that fucking pisses me off the most is that some of these assholes are fucking enjoying what they are doing to the employees in the pressroom. Management doesn't give a shit about what will happen to all of the families and the future they have disrupted, as long as they continue to get their fucking money! How the fuck they sleep at night is beyond me!
What the fuck do they do to deserve a job over the people that actually create the newspaper? All they do is go to meetings all day and try to find new and creative ways to fuck the employees out of their jobs to save money. Why don't they all get off their asses and the asses of their workers and finds ways to earn money for the company instead of laying everyone off to save a buck and their own asses!
Trying to get the Bankruptcy Court to allow them to distribute 22 to 66 Million Dollars in bonuses to incentivize these idiots is a fucking insult to our intelligence and should not be allowed without a fight! Money is not the root of all evil.......the love of money is.
Message to Management, I created this Blog for the pressroom employees, NOT YOU LYING ASSHOLES! So like I've said before, if you don't like what I posted here, then don't fucking come here! I hope you all loose your fucking jobs, health insurance, retirement and homes, you HEARTLESS BASTARDS! I admit, this is unprofessional, but I'm sick and tired of my Brothers and Sisters being fucked over for forming a Union here at the sacred, non-union L.A. Times. Go back to Chicago and take Stumpy with you!!
Save Our Trade: Business or Bullshit!
Thought For Today 1-8-2010
There is no use worrying about things over which you have no control, and if you have control, you can do something about them instead of worrying.
Stanley C. Allyn
Source: LAT editors forced to sign non-disclosure pacts - LA Observed
Source: LAT editors forced to sign non-disclosure pacts - LA Observed
Also this from another insider, regarding whether the Wall Street Journal press should really matter all that much.
WSJ press time is from 6 pm to midnight - on one press (two if you count the short NYPost run from 6-7 pm ) Sunday through Thursday. And 2 presses on Friday night when they print Barron's. They should be off all WSJ contracted press runs before midnight.
If the LAT pressroom understood anything about productivity (and
management spent any money on maintenance), with their small circulation (now) they could print on the remaining 5 presses with no deadline changes at all.
One person's opinion, but one with some credentials
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Thursday Night in the Blogosphere
Another Sad Day for Los Angeles Times Employees
- LA Times to close OC Plant - News and Tech
- Changes at the Los Angeles Times - Mark Lacter
- L.A. Times sells out deadline news to WSJ - Kevin Roderick
- Media Jobs Rank Pretty Low In New Report - Pandora Young
- L.A. Times shutters Orange County plant, shrinks size - Gary Scott
- Big Journalism Launches and Hopes to Kill the LA Times - Tina Dupuy
- L.A. Times to add a section and close OC printing operations - LA Times
- Los Angeles Times Orange County Facility Scheduled to Close - Ronnie Pineda
Save Our Trade: Los Angeles Times Orange County Facility Scheduled to Close on March 15, 2010
By Ronnie Pineda
The Union has attempted numerous times to uncover the truth as to what plans the L.A. Times has for the O.C. Facility without any results. Russ Newton, John Walker and Leticia Bugarin have all denied any plans to close Orange County and have went as far as to imply that Ed Padgett and I were perpetuating these rumors with our Blog posts. It is apparent that we were barking up the right tree and this was not a rumor.
It is also no coincidence that this decision took place a day after recall rights for the remaining employees that were laid-off in April'09 expired. We have asked point blank if this was being discussed by management to which the answer was always NO. LIES, LIES and more LIES!
Business is Business but, I warned everyone that this company and its managers cannot be trusted and here is further proof!
Click on the links below to view the documents that were received by the Union.(Note: Notice 2 contains multiple pages including a list of the effected employees)
Save Our Trade: Los Angeles Times Orange County Facility Scheduled to Close on March 15, 2010
Note from Publisher Eddy Hartenstein
Colleagues –
In an effort to further streamline our operations and reduce print production costs, we have embarked on an ambitious plan to print The Times in one main location. To do so, we are completing a significant investment in our Olympic production facility – making it state-of-the-art, increasing color capacity and allowing us to shut down the Orange County presses. This is being done in tandem with our shift to an emerging newspaper-standard 44” web width from the current 48”.
In other words, we’re creating substantial savings and presenting the printed version of The Times in a new, innovative manner. Those changes, beginning Tuesday, February 2, are as follows:
• We will debut a new late-breaking news section called LATExtra. Designed to address print capacity complexities, create later print deadlines and complement Main A’s analysis and examination of the issues confronting our readers on local, national and global fronts, LATExtra will focus largely on California stories and include end-of-day reporting from across the spectrum. LATExtra will run Monday through Saturday and also include Weather and Obituaries in order to allow later deadlines.
• With Sunday a traditionally slow day for breaking news from the business community, the Business pages will appear under their own chapter in Main A each Monday. We will, of course, continue to develop and report unique business-oriented stories and personal finance in the Monday paper, and Business will remain a stand-alone section the rest of the week.
• Food is moving to Thursdays to give our larger weekend subscriber audience access to our popular coverage and to tap potential revenue opportunities presented by a late-week section, such as restaurant advertising. In addition, the Homes classified listings section will now reside conveniently in the back of Home on Saturdays, and some consolidation of the classified sections and classified zones will complete the list of product changes to maximize reach and value.
• The 44” web width conversion is rippling across the newspaper industry and The Times will be a front-runner in adopting the slightly narrower page format. As we phase this in across our presses, the familiar 6-column broadsheet will remain intact with no meaningful loss in content or features.
As we announced yesterday (,0,87506.htmlstory), we also have increased our presence in and coverage of Orange County with the upcoming launches of the Orange County Local News Network (OCLNN) and the OC Now blog. And the OCLNN team has joined the LAT and TCN staffs in the OC facility, which is itself undergoing upgrades.
All of our efforts are being done with a keen eye toward limiting personnel loss throughout the company, while maintaining and growing other areas of the business. However, with the consolidation to one printing plant and the redesign of sections we will be reducing staff in Operations.
As always, our commitment to providing trusted journalism across mediums and remaining Southern California’s leading source for round-the-clock news and information is at the forefront of all we do. The Times remains poised to continuously innovate as the needs of our readers and advertisers evolve.
I want to thank all of you in advance for digging into 2010, working cross-departmentally and applying your expertise to implementing the intricacies of our new plan.
h/t LAObserved
Thought For Today 1-7-2010
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
Albert Einstein
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
L.A. Times Media Group forms joint venture with U.S. Local News Network -
L.A. Times Media Group forms joint venture with U.S. Local News Network -
The Los Angeles Times Media Group and U.S. Local News Network Inc. have formed a joint venture that will include launching two news websites aimed at readers and advertisers in Orange County.
The venture, which will be announced today, will allow the companies to share content and advertising sales across the sites -- and -- and those of three existing Times-owned local newspapers in Orange County: the Coastline Pilot, the Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent.
Complete article at
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Tribune Interactive Launches Representation Division
CHICAGO, January 6, 2010 -- Tribune Interactive (TI) today announced the formation and launch of its Representation Division, designed to streamline communications and operations in the generation and sharing of digital content among Tribune Company’s newspapers, television stations and websites. The division will also facilitate high-level training for those involved in selling TI’s suite of digital and mobile products and services.
Jeff Kapugi, who has been promoted to SVP/Representation, will oversee the new division, which is composed of several TI departments including the content team, market services, customer rewards programs, and "The Syndicate," which generates original online content for Tribune’s newspaper and television websites. Kapugi has served as VP/Content for TI’s Chicago media properties since joining the company in 2008.
"This is an efficient organizational structure for us," said Kapugi. "It enables us to more effectively communicate and educate our business units about TI’s products and services."
Julie Anderson expands her duties as VP/Content and Integration, and will now be responsible for digital content of all Tribune newspapers and TV stations. Part of her role will be to integrate interactive resources into the newsrooms of the company’s media properties and create 24/7 operations that produce content dynamically for multiple platforms.
Anderson’s team consists of Jim Richards, who was recently appointed VP/Content for Los Angeles Times; Tim Dukes, VP/Broadcasting Digital Content; and a content director for Tribune’s East Coast newspapers, who will be named at a future date. Anderson will work closely with Bill Adee at Chicago Tribune, who was recently appointed VP/Digital Content for the Chicago Tribune Media Group. She will continue working closely with Bob Gremillion, EVP/Publishing, and be based in Orlando. Anderson has overseen online content for Tribune’s East Coast newspaper markets since August 2008.
The new division of TI will also include a Sales Representation Team, led by Betsy Phillips, who has been named VP/Sales Representation. Phillips and her team will be responsible for assisting senior sales executives with training, support and the creation of incentive programs for the company’s interactive, publishing, broadcasting and national sales teams. Phillips will have a special focus on Tribune’s digital and mobile products.
Phillips joined Tribune in 2009 and most recently served as sales coach/trainer for Tribune Interactive’s retail and recruitment advertising team, TRG group.
SOURCE: Tribune Company
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