Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Cleveland Daily Banner changes print schedule

The Cleveland Daily Banner will start producing a combined Sunday/Monday print edition of the paper, the Banner reports. The new edition will start March 3.
The community paper will then be in print five days weekly: Sunday/Monday, and Tuesday through Friday.
The move “was driven primarily by sharp increases in newsprint costs over the past two years,” Ralph Baldwin, Banner publisher, told the paper. “Our costs for newsprint rose 26 percent over the last 18 months, with seven increases.
“We felt this was the right decision in lieu of having a significant rate increase for our subscribers,” he said.
Weekday single-copy sales will rise to 75 cents daily and $1.50 on Sundays, starting March 1.
“Readers will receive all of the features they’re accustomed to in the combined Sunday/Monday paper. Subscribers will have full access to our website, which will be updated with news and obituaries by 10 a.m. on Mondays,” Baldwin said.
“We’ll continue to add new products for our readers and advertisers,” Baldwin said. Last year, the paper introduced a quarterly local lifestyles magazine, Bradley Essential, he said. In 2019, the paper is planning to have its first community event for seniors. It’s also planning improvements to its digital offerings, he said.

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