Wednesday, February 20, 2019

imPRESSions Worldwide caught up in Alaska quake

A printing company had a scary shakeup while doing a job in Alaska recently. 
Within hours of an earthquake, imPRESSions Worldwide was able to mobilize press technicians to Wasilla and Anchorage, Alaska, to reestablish level and tram for these two Goss Community Press users, the company says.
imPRESSions, based in Burlington, Washington, had a crew working on a double-wide removal in Anchorage. The company had to stop the job because the building was unsafe. Here’s an account of the quake from Jimmy Easterly, vice president of operations: 
“Steve was in the basement using a Sawzall on the I-beams, Jim and Josh were on the top deck of the press. Josh was at the ceiling deck. MJ and Vlad were on 2nd deck, at 8:30am we experienced G#% *%#@ living hell!!! A 7.2 magnitude earthquake happened. Steve, Vlad and MJ made it out of the building. Josh Hawks was holding his hand on the roof of the press bay and the other hand on the press, Jim was on the 2nd deck and got slammed to the floor. Roof tiles, lights and dust were flying everywhere. The floor was buckling, the ceiling was rolling and lights and tiles and heating and air-conditioning was falling, the building and Press was swaying back and forth 5 feet and Josh rode it out like a champ! This was the scariest event I have experienced to date! I cannot believe the press did not collapse!” 
Alaska has experienced numerous earthquakes, including one on Nov. 30, 2018, that measured at a magnitude 7.0, and one south of Kodiak Island in January 2018 that measured 7.9.

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