Saturday, January 02, 2021

Reporters Without Borders (RSF)


Dear friends, correspondents, members and volunteers,
We would like to express our sincere thanks to you all for the fantastic support you have given us throughout this very unusual year.
With your encouragement, we have redoubled our efforts, more determined than ever to wage our campaigns, mobilize, denounce and take action in the field. This strength helped us when we had to protest against the two-year jail sentence that our correspondent in Algeria, Khaled Drarenireceived for just doing his job in a completely independent manner. The injustice of the sentence outraged us but, also and above all, it strengthened our resolve. Since then, we haven’t ceased to step up the campaigning on his behalf with politicians, journalists and the general public, in France and abroad.
We will continue to defend those who enable us to access vitally important news and information: the whistleblower Julian Assange in the United Kingdom, where Reporters Without Borders was the only NGO allowed to follow his extradition hearings; Pham Doan Trang, a great journalist and 2019 RSF Press Freedom Prize laureate, who has been arrested in Vietnam and for whom Reporters Without Borders has launched an international petition for her release; and all those who, through their hard work, investigate and report on discrimination, the environmental crisis, police violence and corruption, all those who allow us to understand the world and take action.
We know that their work is essential and we will continue to support them with energy and tenacity, despite the sometimes hard blows and attacks. I would like to personally thank all of our organization’s protagonists, because they have been able to adapt, bounce back and reinforce their actions despite the difficulties of the past year. I am very proud of this team. You, friends, correspondents, members and volunteers, can be proud of them too. As we do every year, we count on you in order to succeed and to carry out our mission. If you can, please go to our online donation form:

We wish you all excellent end-of-year festivities.
Thank you,
Christophe Deloire
General Director

#FightForFacts ! Reality only exists if someone reports it

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