Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Important Events From This day in History March 12


1933 Roosevelt First Fireside Chat

1933 : President Roosevelt gives his first " fireside chat " radio broadcast just 8 days after his inauguration telling the American people to keep faith with their country and their banking system, and asking them to leave their money in the bank where it would be kept safe . His chats to the people through these "fireside chats " on this day and future days were made friendly and informative but keeping them easy to understand by all and many consider helped him win an unprecedented 4 terms of office serving his country for a total of 12 years and 39 days. This is his fireside chat about the fail of the banking system.

1930 India March Against Tax On Salt

1930 : Mahatma Gandhi and his followers begin a 200 mile march to the salt beds of Jalalpur to campaign against British tax on salt beginning the fight for Indian independence from Great Britain. What must also be remembered is he was 61 years old at the time and marched over 200 miles in a peaceful march as a form of protest.

More about Gandhi's Salt March

1894 US Coca-Cola

1894 : Coca-Cola begins selling it's first bottles in 1894 in Vicksburg, Mississippi.

1912 U.S.A. Girl Scouts of America Founded

1912 : Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Guides in the United States, she had lived in England with her first husband for many years and had been a Girl Guide leader while living in England. On March 12th, 1912 She gathered 18 girls together to register the first troop of American Girl Guides in Savannah, Georgia. The next years the name was changed to Girl Scouts of America the following year.

1922 India Mahatma Gandhi Arrested

1922 : The British run government in India has arrested Mahatma Gandhi who has always preached passive resistance to British rule by telling his followers to not buy goods from Europe or work with the British administration machine, he has a massive following in India and many believe a civil uprising could follow his arrest.

1924 U.S.A. Tire Preservation

1924 : Tips were printed in a local newspaper regarding the preservation of tires. The importance of rotating car (or other vehicle) tires was equated to the storing of shoes and then using them. The point made is that tires should be rotated on a regular basis in order that the wear and tear on them would be about equal. This advice also applied to the use of a spare tire, in order to ensure that an extra tire would always be in excellent to good working order when needed. Another point made was that the proper storage of a spare tire is as equally important as the proper storage of a pair of boots. For instance, if they are stored in a damp place they may function differently than when stored in a dry location.

1928 U.S.A. St. Francis Dam Burst

1928 : Hundreds Reported Drowned When the St. Francis dam burst flooding into the San Francisquito Canyon in California. St. Francis Dam Collapse TimeLine

1938 Austria Part of Third Reich

1938 : German has forcibly “recruited” Austria to support the Third Reich, the Nazi Germany army. This was the second attempt of Germany to coerce Austria to comply. Austria Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg had tried to fight against Germany’s attempt to make Austria part of Nazi Germany. During this resistance, the Austrian chancellor had met with Hitler personally-an action taken in hopes to restore Austria’s independence. In fact, on March 9th Schuschnigg had posed a referendum to the public to help determine Austria’s affiliation or autonomy. This action proved very unfruitful, and Schuschnigg was force to name members of his cabinet as part of the Nazi movement. Furthermore, Schuschnigg had resigned on the 11th of March, a day before Austria was seized by Germany.

1939 U.S.A. Artie Shaw

1939 : Artie Shaw and his band record the single “Deep Purple.” It goes on to become one of the big band’s biggest hits.

1940 Burma Disturbances

1940 : Disturbances at three newspaper journalist offices were caused by a crowd of 5,000 people. A large number of this huge crowd of people was members of Burma’s workers’ union and Burma’s peasants’ union.

1945 Germany Anne Frank

1945 : Anne Frank, author of "The Diary of Anne Frank," died at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp from Typhus during a typhus epidemic that spread through the concentration camp.

1947 The Truman Doctrine

1947 : Very soon after the war President Truman had decided that to use America to stop the spread of communism around the world telling congress the country must intervene wherever necessary throughout the world to prevent the subjection of free people to Communist inspired totalitarian regimes at the expense of their national integrity.

One of the first requests to provide this support around the world to stop the spread of communism was to give $400 million in aid to bolster the hard-pressed Greek and Turkish governments against Communist pressure. This is also known as the beginning of "The Truman Doctrine" and the beginning of the battle to stop the spread of communism.

1956 Spain Stand Against Communism

1956 : A call for unity has spread among the European nations. Countries such as Yugoslavia, Greece, Spain, Brussels, Belgium, and Sweden, along with nations such as the United States, France and Italy gathered together to band against the communists. One organization responsible for this strong stand against the Reds (communists) is/was NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

1959 U.S.A. Hawaii

1959 : Congressional approval to admit Hawaii as the 50th state in the U.S.

1964 U.S.A. James Hoffa

1964 : The president of the powerful American Teamsters union James Hoffa is found guilty and sentenced to eight years on bribery charges. He had been on trial 4 times earlier but had not been found guilty. He appealed against the convictions and in 1966 while still going through the appeal process he was re-elected president of the lorry drivers' union in July 1966 - despite two prison sentences totaling 13 years hanging over him. He vanished in mysterious circumstances in 1975 and has never been seen since, his body has still not been found no one has been charged.

1969 England George Harrison

1969 : The police search former Beatles George Harrison’s home for illegal drugs. This was a year after John Lennon had been searched for hash (substance derived from marijuana).

1969 England Paul McCartney

1969 : Beatle Paul McCartney Marries American Linda Eastman in London.

1972 Vietnam Australia Withdraws

1972 : Australia withdraws from Vietnam following other countries withdrawal and US commitment to leave Vietnam.

1972 Cambodia Son Ngoc Thanh

1972 : Many people may have considered it just the right time for a new leader to take over as prime minister. Son Ngoc Thanh had just accepted this position, after Cambodia had went four days without a ruler. Thanh had served his country in the past as well-during World War II.

1980 U.S.A. The Killer Clown

1980 : A jury finds John Wayne Gacy Jr. ( also known as The Killer Clown ) guilty of the murders of 33 boys and young men, he had admitted the murders but he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. He had started his murders in 1972 and continued till 1978 when he was caught, 27 were found in a crawl space under the floor of his house and others were found in nearby rivers. The sentence was 21 consecutive life sentences and 12 death sentences. On May 10, 1994, Gacy was executed at Stateville Correctional Center in Crest Hill, Illinois, by lethal injection.

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