Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Important Events From This day in History March 5


1960 US Elvis Presley

1960 : Elvis Presley completes his two-year stint is discharged from the US Army.

1969 US Jim Morrison

1969 : Jim Morrison was arrested by Dade County a few days after his performance in Miami. He was charged of one felony and three misdemeanors related to indecent behavior he displayed on stage.

1956 US Segregation Laws

1956 : The US Supreme Court upholds a ban on racial segregation in state schools, colleges and universities, When the University of North Carolina appeals against an earlier ruling which ordered college officials to admit three black students to what was previously an all-white University.

1908 U.S.A. School Fire

1908 : Unfortunately, 165 small lives were lost in a Cleveland, Ohio School Fire on this day. This event occurred at the Lake View School in Collingwood. It was thought at first that this tragedy had originated from the school furnace. However, later evidence had revealed that it actually started from beneath a hall stairway between the basement and first floor.

1920 Requests To Join The Army

1920 : It was reported on this day that thousands of families had written the U.S. Government requesting that their sons be allowed to join the army. Upon enlistment, they would receive the quality education they would not otherwise receive as a result of living in an underdeveloped area of the country.

1929 U.S.A. Car Show Fire

1929 : A fire had destroyed 320 cars that were displayed in an Auto Show. This unfortunate circumstance took place in Los Angeles, California.

1933 U.S.A. Bank Holiday to Save Banks

1933 : To help stop the run on US banks U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt announced a four-day "bank holiday" . All U.S. banks would close effective March 6 to help stop Americans from withdrawing their money in panic which in turn caused more banks to collapse.

1946 Winston Churchill Speech Condemning Communism

1946 : Winston Churchill delivers one of the first speeches condemning what he thought was a soviet Union bent on the expansion of communism in Europe and around the world, during the speech he coined the phrase "The Iron Curtain" which was then used by many future politicians.

1953 Russia Joseph Stalin

1953 : Joseph Stalin, the Prime Minister of the Soviet Union and the supreme chief of the Communist Party died.

1962 Canada Income Tax Changes

1962 : On this day, the income tax structure of Canada was evaluated. Examination of the current tax system of this country was agreed upon, and will be carried out by the royal commission.

1963 The Hula-Hoop

1963 : The Hula-Hoop, first marketed by Wham-O in 1958, is patented by the company's co-founder, Arthur "Spud" Melin.

1966 West Germany Cold Weather Tests

1966 : A West German Army cold-weather engineering test was completed, and 90 members were scheduled to come home as of the following weekend. These cold weather tests had lasted approximately three months. Some of the artillery that was tested during these experiments included the Leopard Battle Tank, a tank destroyer, and an anti-tank guided missile carrier. An infantry fighting vehicle was also being tested. The temperatures at which war equipment was tested were for the most part below zero, reaching as low as 50 degrees.

1966 Japan Plane Crash Mount Fuji

1966 : A BOAC British Boeing 707 crashed on Mount Fuji, Japan killing all 124 on board.

1966 USA Schools

1966 : A local Brand school district spending cap was expected to be over a million dollars in the current year. That was a $28,000 increase from the previous year.

1973 France Mid Air Collision

1973 : A mid air collision between two Spanish aircraft over France happens when air traffic controllers are on strike, leaves 68 dead.

1977 U.S.A. Dial-A-President

1977 : This was the beginning of the radio program called “Dial-A-President”. This program only aired once, but it had opened the door for two of the shows callers to contact the president (Jimmy Carter).

1984 U.S.A. William Powell

1984 : Actor William Powell, who is most known for his detective role in “Thin Man” movies, passed away. He was 91 years old at this time. Powell co-starred along with Myrna Loy, with whom he was a detective couple in the above-mentioned motion picture productions (“Thin Man”). Powell also had previously played a villain in silent movies.

1991 Iraq Prisoners Returned

1991 : Iraqis turn over 35 prisoners of war, including 15 Americans, to the Red Cross in Baghdad.

1993 Canada Ben Johnson Life Ban

1993 : The former Canadian Olympic sprinter, Ben Johnson, is banned from athletics for life after failing a drugs test for a second time. Johnson had won the 100m at the Seoul Olympics in 1988 in a new world record time of 9.79 seconds but was subsequently stripped of his medal after testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs.

1997 Korea Peace Talks

1997 : Representatives of North Korea and South Korea met for first time in 25 years, for peace talks in New York.

2004 U.S.A. Martha Stewart

2004 : Martha Stewart is convicted of the felony of obstructing justice and lying about why she'd unloaded her Imclone Systems Inc. stock just before the price plummeted. She had originally been accused of insider trading when she sold her stock days before the announcement that Imclone Systems Inc application for the new drug Erbitux was denied.

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