Friday, March 07, 2025

Important Events From This day in History March 7


1988 Gibraltar IRA Gang Shot

1988 : IRA gang who were reported to have planted a 500lb car bomb near the British Governor's residence shot dead in Gibraltar.

1965 Civil Rights March Alabama

1965 : Troopers with night sticks, shotguns and tear-gas grenades violently confronted 600 civil rights marchers during an attempted 50-mile march from Selma to the Alabama state capitol Montgomery.

1969 Israel Golda Meir

1969 : Israel elects Golda Meir, to become the first female prime minister of Israel.

1876 U.S.A. Patent For The Telephone

1876 : Alexander Graham Bell receives a patent for his revolutionary new invention the telephone.

1908 U.S.A. Settlers

1908 : Settlers had already visited the Nechaco Valley, which is located in British, Columbia, Canada. These families were expected to settle in this area beginning in May. The Nechaco Valley area was currently being surveyed for use of crop production. Furthermore, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad resumed.

1932 The Communist Party of America

1932 : The Communist Party of America had hosted a “March on Hunger” which was held on this day. This march began in Downtown Detroit, Michigan to the Ford Motor Plant at the River Rouge. Thousands of people were gathered in this area in order to take a stand against this company’s labor records. This march which started peaceful had turned into a violent affair.

1936 Germany Treaty of Versailles

1936 : Nazi leader Adolf Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by sending German military forces into the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone along the Rhine River in western Germany.

1939 U.S.A. Auld Lang Syne

1939 : Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians record the New Year's Eve favorite "Auld Lang Syne." The recording is still played at parties and celebrations all over the country to usher in the new year.

1960 U.S.A. Jack Paar

1960 : After a month’s absence, Jack Paar had re-appeared as the host on The Tonight Show. He had walked off in protest against censorship before returning to his position as host of this production. He had made a joke about a “water closet” (European bathroom), which most likely would have been considered mild according to the standards set today.

1961 U.S.A. President Dwight D. Eisenhower

1961 : The Senate authorized President Kennedy to restore the rank of five-star general to former President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

1962 U.S.A. Great West Saddler

1962 : Reech Taylor was a national trust solicitor who had petitioned (requested) bondholders of Brandon Packers permission to use company funds to go to court. Taylor’s mission was to reclaim an excess of $200,000 that was paid out to “Great West Saddlery” and other companies. Permission was granted by company bondholders, in order to regain this sum of money, which was reported to have been taken wrongfully (misappropriated, stolen). Bondholders agreed to the court proceedings, even though it would cost approximately $35,000. Incidentally, two men (Hugh Paton and Hubert Cox) related to the case described above were currently appealing a case in which they were found guilty of $460,000. Paton and Cox were said to have stolen this money while they owned Great West.

1964 U.S.A. Frank Sinatra, Jr. Kidnapping

1964 : A U.S. Judge had sent the Frank Sinatra, Jr. Kidnapping case to the jury the night before this date (reported on this day). So far, no evidence had directly linked Sinatra, Jr. to this charge. It was suspected that this whole case was a publicity hoax conjured up in order to make a profit.

1964 Dallas County Jail

1964 : A report dated today 1964) revealed that seven prisoners had broke out of the Dallas County Jail. One of the seven escaped convicts had taken a hostage. The hostage was freed and the prisoner who had committed the kidnapping was put back behind bars. Within two hours, four others were caught and also put back into custody. Two others had been put into Bedlam, a facility that was usually referred to at the time as an “insane asylum”.

1965 England Goldie the Eagle

1965 : Goldie the Eagle, a golden eagle which escaped from Regent's Park Zoo is still on the loose after 8 days and is drawing crowds of onlookers to Regents park where he is dining on Muscovy duck, but he has also been spotted in Tottenham Court Road. He was captured after 12 days and taken back to his home in the Zoo and escaped again in December for a short time.

1972 U.S.A. Convention

1972 : A total of 250 democrats had attended a convention held in the Aiken County, South Carolina courthouse. A major focus of this convention was the election of new state democratic officers who would represent the state.

1973 Bangladesh First Elected Prime Minister

1973 : Sheikh Mujib Rahman becomes the first prime minister of Bangladesh winning a landslide victory in the country's first general elections.

1977 U.S.A. Yitzhak Rabin Peace Talks

1977 : Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin visits the United States for the first time and President and Mrs. Carter played host, the trip eventually led to the Camp David peace talks held between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Rabin’s replacement, Menachem Begin, in 1978

1988 New Zealand Cyclone Bola

1988 : Cyclone Bola hits New Zealand and the small Island of Fiji with torrential rains causing significant flooding and landslides.

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