Friday, March 14, 2025

Important Events From This day in History March 14


1958 Monaco Grace Kelly

1958 : Former film star Grace Kelly who is now married to Prince Rainier and is now known as Princess Grace gives birth to her second child a boy Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre. He will take automatic precedence over his one-year-old sister, Princess Caroline to become the next King.

1920 U.S.A. Spanish Immigrants

1920 : The number of Spanish immigrants was expected to be at an all-time high. During this time in history, they have been coming to America at record rates. Statistics regarding this were taken from local immigration application records in various Spanish cities.

1938 England Hitler and Mussolini

1938 : Various reports were printed regarding support and anti-support of Hitler and his regime. Premier Mussolini of Italy extended to Hitler a hand of friendship while British Prime Minister Chamberlain the country of Germany and Hitler of further attack. Britain fought to try to keep Austria’s independence before that country was absorbed by Germany.

1939 Czechoslovakia Dissolved

1939 : The independent republic of Czechoslovakia which was created in 1918 is dissolved, opening the way for Nazi occupation following the 1938 Munich Agreement.

1948 UK Marriage Laws

1948 : According to new proposed laws, British women married to foreigners would automatically retain their citizenship. The only women who would not remain British citizens are those who choose to formally renounce that status. More about 1948

1951 Korea Seoul

1951 : Seoul had been captured by communist forces on January 4th, 1951 and on 14th March United Nations forces recapture Seoul during the Korean War.

1957 Israel Gaza Strip

1957 : Chaos had taken place for quite awhile in the Gaza Strip and surrounding areas. However, a very important turn of events had taken place. One of those events included the joining of Jerusalem and the U.S. along with the United Nations in order to campaign against the re-entry of Egypt to The Strip.

1960 England Jodrell Bank

1960 : The British radio telescope at Jodrell Bank in Cheshire sets a new record when it makes contact with the American Pioneer V satellite at a distance of 407,000 miles.

1964 U.S.A. Jack Ruby Convicted

1964 : Jack Ruby is convicted of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of President Kennedy, he is sentenced to death. The ruling is later overturned when his defense lawyers argued he did not receive a fair trial in Dallas due to the excessive publicity . A later date is set for a second trial at a change of venue, but he died of natural causes while waiting for the new trial.

1965 Mexico Silver Prices

1965 : Tips regarding the purchase of buying silver in Mexico were presented in a newspaper article dated this day. The suggestion given regarding where to find the best buys was in Taxco, Mexico-no longer in Mexico City were silver prices were on the rise.

1967 U.S.A. John F. Kennedy

1967 : John F. Kennedy's body is moved to a permanent grave in Arlington National Cemetery.

1972 U.S.A. Howard Hughes

1972 : Irving wrote a “real” book while awaiting sentencing for charges against him regarding the “Howard Hughes” hoax. According to one source, a man and his wife helped Irving stage the “fake” Howard Hughes biography in order to make money. The new book planned was to be about the hoax that the author Irving had been involved with. Other records tell of the story of how checks for the book meant to be deposited in a bank account were stolen.

1984 Northern Ireland Gerry Adams

1984 : The Sinn Fein president, Gerry Adams, is shot in a street attack in central Belfast, and was hit in the neck, shoulder and arm as several gunmen riddled his car with bullets.

1988 Bangladesh

1988 : According to records dated this date and year, a total of 88 citizens from Bangladesh were rescued by border guards. They were being smuggled from this country for various exploitive services (i.e. slavery, prostitution). Two men involved were already arrested shortly after this occurrence. They were charge of “trafficking in human lives”. Two of the places where these humans would have been “shipped” include India and Pakistan.

1990 Libya Chemical Weapons

1990 : A Libyan plant that was allegedly used to produce chemical weapons was burned. As a result, Libya had closed of its borders and maintained a high security alert. The fire started had started was reported to have occurred about 60 miles southwest of Tripoli. It was believed that this fire had been ignited by a U.S. and Israeli support team.

1991 England Birmingham Six Released

1991 : Following a Television investigative programme into the innocence of six Irish men who had been sent to prison for the bombings of two Birmingham pubs. British authorities release the "Birmingham Six."

1995 Space Norman Thagard

1995 : The US Astronaut Norman Thagard becomes the first American to enter space aboard a Russian rocket as he and two cosmonauts blasted off aboard a Soyuz spacecraft, headed for the Mir space station.

2002 U.S.A. Arthur Andersen Indicted

2002 : Arthur Andersen the accounting firm is charged by federal prosecutors with obstruction of justice, securing its first indictment in the collapse of Enron.

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