Monday, March 17, 2025

Today in Labor History March 17

The leadership of the American Federation of Labor selected the Carpenters Union to lead the eight hour movement. Carpenters throughout the country struck in April; by May 1, some 46,000 carpenters in 137 cities and towns had achieved shorter hours. – 1890

A U.S.-China treaty prevented Chinese laborers from entering the U.S. – 1894
Nearly 100 striking Mexican and Filipino farm workers began a march from Delano to Sacramento, California. By April 11, when they reached the steps of the state capitol, 10,000 supporters had joined them. A few months later, the two organizations representing the workers, the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee and the National Farm Workers Association, joined to form a single union, out of which the United Farm Workers was born. – 1966
The Rolling Stones, Joan Baez, the Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead and other musicians requested the station not play their music as long as the station was run by strikebreakers. – 1968
Boeing Co. and the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) came to terms on a new contract, settling the largest white-collar walkout in U.S. history.  SPEEA represented some 22,000 workers, of whom 19,000 honored picket lines for 40 days. – 2000

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