Saturday, March 15, 2025

Today in Labor History March 15, 2025


Ben Fletcher

Ben Fletcher, African-American IWW organizer, was born on this date. Fletcher organized longshoremen in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. – 1877
The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades was founded on this date. Today they represent more than 140,000 members in the construction industry, such as Painters, Drywall Finishers, Glaziers, Floor Coverers, and Sign and Display workers. – 1887
The Supreme Court approved the 8-Hour Act under threat of a national railway strike. – 1917
Bituminous coal miners began a nationwide strike, demanding adoption of a pension plan. – 1948
The Wall Street Journal began a series alleging insider stock deals at the union-owned Union Labor Life Insurance Co. (ULLICO). After three years a settlement was reached with Robert Georgine, a building trades leader serving as ULLICO president and CEO, requiring him to repay about $2.6 million in profits from the sale of ULLICO stock, forfeit $10 million in compensation and make other payments worth about $4.4 million. All but 2 of the company’s directors were said to have profited from the deals. – 2002

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