Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Circulation at the Top 20 Newspapers
2. The Wall Street Journal, 2,043,235, down 1.9 percent
3. The New York Times, 1,086,798, down 3.5 percent
4. Los Angeles Times, 775,766, down 8 percent
5. New York Post, 704,011, up 5.1 percent
6. New York Daily News, 693,382 up 1 percent
7. The Washington Post, 656,297, down 3.3 percent
8. Chicago Tribune, 576,132, down 1.7 percent
9. Houston Chronicle, 508,097, down 3.7 percent
10. Newsday, Long Island, 410,579, down 5 percent
11. The Arizona Republic, 397,294, down 2.6 percent
12. The Boston Globe, 386,415, down 6.7 percent
13. The Star-Ledger of Newark, N.J., 378,100, down 5.5 percent
14. San Francisco Chronicle, 373,805, down 5.4 percent
15. Star Tribune of Minneapolis-St. Paul, 358,887, down 4.2 percent
16. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 350,157, down 3.5 percent
17. The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, 336,939, down 0.6 percent
18. The Philadelphia Inquirer, 330,622, down 7.6 percent
19. Detroit Free Press, 328,628, down 3.6 percent
20. The Oregonian, 310,803, down 6.8 percent
Submitted by Pops
A 36 year old female had an accident several weeks ago and totaled her car. A resident of Kilgore , Texas , she was traveling between Gladewater & Kilgore.
It was raining, though not excessively, when her car suddenly began to hydroplane and literally flew through the air.
She was not seriously injured but very stunned at the sudden occurrence!
When she explained to the highway patrolman what had happened he told her something that every driver should know - NEVER DRIVE IN THE RAIN WITH YOUR CRUISE CONTROL ON.
She had thought she was being cautious by setting the cruise control and maintaining a safe consistent speed in the rain.
But the highway patrolman told her that if the cruise control is on and your car begins to hydroplane, when your tires lose contact with the pavement, your car will accelerate to a higher rate of speed and you take off like an airplane. She told the patrolman that was exactly what had occurred.
The patrolman said this warning should be listed on the driver's seat sun visor - NEVER USE THE CRUISE CONTROL WHEN THE PAVEMENT IS WET OR ICY - along with the airbag warning. We tell our teenagers to set the cruise control and drive a safe speed - but we don't tell them to use the cruise control only when the pavement is dry.
The only person the accident victim found who knew this (besides the patrolman) was a man who had had a similar accident, totaled his car and sustained severe injuries.
If you send this to 15 people and only one of them doesn't know about this, then it was all worth it. You might have saved a life.
Submitted by Pops
Monday, October 30, 2006
Los Angeles Times Circulation
From: Hiller, David
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 10:00 AM
Subject: September Circulation
(Managers and supervisors: Please share this information with your employees who do not have e-mail. Thank you.)
October 30, 2006
Today, we announced our circulation for the six months ended Sept. 24. Our total average paid Sunday circulation was 1,172,005 and 775,766 for Monday-Friday. We also reported average individually paid circulation of 741,665 Monday-Friday, an increase of 0.3%, and 1,157,332 Sunday, a decrease of 2.7%, compared with the same period last year.
The increase in individually paid circulation Monday-Friday was very good news, and will be among the best in the industry reported today. (Tribune newspapers averaged down 1.3%, and other peer newspapers were down 3.3%.) Our Sunday individually paid decrease was in line with other Tribune papers (down 2.5%) and better than peers (down 4.2%). As you know, we are focused on the individually paid audience, which is the audience advertisers most value.
Our total paid numbers, which showed declines of 8% daily and 6% on Sunday, reflect our strategy for improving the quality of our circulation by reducing other paid circulation.
Importantly, readership increased modestly for both daily and Sunday, reaching almost 2.2 million daily and 3.3 million Sunday.
These are solid and encouraging results, reflecting efforts all across the company.
We need to continue to innovate and change to bring more readers to the paper, and also to our websites. The recent re-design of the A section and the re-launch of Sunday Calendar are excellent examples. Look for The Envelope's new 11-week special print section series, which launches Wednesday. And as I am learning, there are an array of other exciting initiatives to build readership and circulation.
Thanks for all of your efforts on these fronts. They really show.
P.S. Our full press release is posted at http://www.latimes.com/services/newspaper/mediacenter/releases/la-mediacenter-2006-1030,0,5460139.story?coll=la-mediacenter-releases
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Letters from the People- LA Times
This notice is rather late, I know, but I only today stumbled across the L.A. Times Pressmen's site. It occurred to me that some of your Times colleagues might be interested in the event described below, and since the editors apparently do not intend to publicize the event in the Calendar section this is our only way of reaching the daily's staff.
- - -
The Drama department at Cal State Los Angeles will present my stage production, "Letters from the People," taken from the Los Angeles Times letters column of the 1880s, on Nov. 2, 3, and 4. The play, directed by Prof. Steve Rothman, is a series of vignettes about life in Southern California as seen by readers of the Times. All the dialogue is taken directly from the letters column; the comments of Harrison Gray Otis, who hosts the performance, introducing each subject and letter, were written by me. The production will take place at 8 p.m in the Arena Theatre, on the Cal State LA campus. It's a "staged reading:" actors in period costume but reading from the script; little or no scenery. The whole production, with intermission, runs just under 2 hours.
Since the paper didn't invite its readers to participate in the 125th birthday anniversary, we took it on ourselves to offer this as our contribution to the celebration.
The Arena Theatre is item 2A on the attached campus map. It is not to be confused with the imposing Luckman theater complex, but is located in the Music bldg. behind (east of) Luckman. There is no admission charge butthere is a nominal fee for parking.
If you or others at The Times wish to attend, call (323) 343-4118 to reserve seats, indicating what night and how many seats you'll need so that space in the small (50 seat) theatre can be saved for you.
Ralph E. Shaffer
Professor Emeritus, History
Cal Poly Pomona
(626) 966-4304
Saturday, October 28, 2006
The Stranger
As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mom taught me the word of God, and Dad taught me to obey it. But the stranger was our storyteller. He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies.
If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future! He took my family to the first major league ball game. He made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind.
Sometimes, Mom would get up quietly while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go to her room and read her books (I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to leave.)
Dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated to honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home ... not from us, our friends or any visitors. Our longtime visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush.
My Dad was a teetotaler who didn't permit alcohol in the home, not even for cooking. But the stranger encouraged us to try it on a regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly and pipes distinguished. He talked freely (much too freely!) about sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing.
I now know that my early concepts about relationships were influenced strongly by the stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked ... and NEVER asked to leave.
More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with our family. He has blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was at first. Still, if you were to walk into my parent's den today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures. His name?.
We just call him, "TV."
Note: This should be required reading for e very household in America! He has a younger sister now. We call her, "Computer."
Submitted by Pops
Friday, October 27, 2006
American Journalist Killed in Mexico
Mr. Will worked for Indymedia.org, an independent Web-based media organization.
Interest in Tribune is Lukewarm At Best
The LA Times (via Romenesko) offers a good rundown about what’s ahead for its troubled corporate parent.
Join Us For The Halloween Spectacular!
Costume contests for children ages three years and under will begin at 6:15 p.m., for four-six year olds at 6:30 p.m., for ages seven to nine at 6:45 p.m., for ages ten to fourteen at 7:00 p.m., and for ages fifteen and up at 7:15 p.m.
For further information call the Parks and Recreation Department at 909-394-6230.
Tribune bids expected Friday
CHICAGO (MarketWatch) - A host of private equity bids for beleaguered newspaper publisher and broadcaster Tribune Co. are expected Friday, according to a published report, setting the stage for the latest step away from the public markets for a traditional media company.
Tribune Co. (TRB), officially set to decide by the end of this year whether to put itself on the block under intense pressure from its largest shareholder, is seen offers from several investment firms by the end of the day, according to the Tribune-owned Los Angeles Times.
A Tribune spokesman did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
Click here for complete article
Strange Bits from OC
On A Clear Day You Can Smell My Trash from the OC Register The strike continues. I'm going to haul my trash into work in Whittier. When are people going to do us all a favor and buy extra garbage cans? It's just a matter of time before the plastic stuff gets ripped to shreds by the rats and coyotes.
2 Idiots Peddling Poetry continues at The Ugly Mug. The 2 Idiots (Steve and Ben) sell license plate holders to strike back at the botox/heavy-debt cultists.
Carl Rodgers Former Times Printer
No details on funeral arrangements at this time.
Hi you all, hope you are all fine.
I received a phone call from Jess Degeytere last night informing me that Carl Rogers passed away. Carls son Brian, who worked at the downtown plant as a paper pusher called him with the news of his dad. When Carl left the Times he bought a used bus and converted it to a tour bus and used it to drive people to Vegas, he did well in his new business.
Please call any other retired pressmen that might remember Carl, Bill call Bill Waldby, I'm sure he would like to know. This is some of the information I got from Jess on the funeral services ,he didn't have an address for the cemetery but I'm sure you can find the information some how.
Funeral services are at Oakdale Cemetery in Glendora on Oct.31 at 11:00am, hope some of you can make it. I can't as we are in Whidbey Isl. Wash. for 3 more months.
You all take care of yourselves and try and stay healthy.
Your Friend
Emmett Jaime III
Oakdale Memorial Park Cemetery
1401 S. Grand Ave
Glendora, CA. 91740
Group offering to buy Baltimore Sun from Tribune
The Baltimore group is led by Theodore G. Venetoulis, a former Baltimore County politician and publishing executive who once owned a suburban newspaper.
"The group we've put together understand two things," said Venetoulis, who lost a Democratic primary bid for governor in 1978. "One, that this will not be an investment that will provide the usual yield and return that some investors will be used to. Secondly, they've agreed that they would not in any way attempt to jeopardize the paper's independence or attempt to give it a certain ideological bent."
Jump to Complete Story
Five Fire Fighters Overcome by Flames
From Los Angeles Times
Four firefighters were killed and another critically burned Thursday as they battled to protect homes from a wind-whipped arson fire that charred almost 24,000 acres and forced hundreds to flee mountain communities west of Palm Springs.
"These winds were devil winds. They came out of nowhere," said Pat Boss, a U.S. Forest Service spokesman. "They were fleeing for their lives … and the flames caught them."
David Hiller Memo
You have likely heard that we had an incident last night where a white powder substance was found in a letter opened in the editorial department. After fire and security personnel responded, it was determined the substance was harmless, an apparent hoax. Joe Eckdahl and colleagues in the newsroom handled this difficult situation exceptionally well, both ensuring people's safety and also getting the paper out. Thank them for their dedication and for keeping cool under fire when you see them today. I have attached a copy of Joe's note to the editorial department. Also thanks to Mike LaPerruque and our security team for their immediate response in handling the situation, as well as to the first responders in the LAPD, HazMat and Fire Department. We live and work more safely and securely because of them.
We will also be doing an "after action" review of the incident and how we responded. For now, remember that if you see anything suspicious, including mail or packages, be sure to call security - without opening or disturbing the contents - and await instructions from our security team. We will be providing additional information and recaps of our safety and security procedures shortly.
Speaking of hoaxes, a number of our colleagues received an e-mail from a fictitious employee referring to possible layoffs. If you see or hear about these emails, please let people know they are fake.
All that said, have a fine day.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
How Much Longer Will You Live
Have fun.
Santa Barbara News-Press Withdraws Petition
SANTA BARBARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, the Santa Barbara News-Press filed legal papers to withdraw the petition it filed in Santa Barbara Superior Court on behalf of News-Press photographer Ana Elisa Fuentes. The case involved Ms. Fuentes’ claim that fellow employee Michael Todd made death threats against her. Mr. Todd claimed the statements were jokes.
Ms. Fuentes has resigned. Since Ms. Fuentes is not currently employed at the paper, pursuit of a workplace violence injunction prohibiting future wrongful conduct against Ms. Fuentes at the work site would serve no purpose and the petition is being dismissed.
The News-Press continues to be vigilant about potential workplace violence to ensure the safety of all employees.
'Put Up More of a Fight' Baquet Urges Editors to Cuts
NEW ORLEANS Los Angeles Times Editor Dean Baquet on Thursday urged fellow newspaper editors to resist business side staff reductions blindly.
Just weeks after his public battle with Tribune Company over potential cutbacks, which ended with the forced resignation of former publisher Jeff Johnson and speculation that Baquet himself might be leaving, the veteran editor told editors here that they, too, must not give in to demands for cutbacks.
Editor and Publisher
A fourth Tribune Buyer
Bain Capital LLC might bid for Tribune Co., jumping into a crowded field considering a takeover of the second- largest U.S. newspaper publisher, a person with knowledge of the firm's plans told Bloomberg News yesterday. Apollo Management LP, Texas Pacific Group and Carlyle Group are preparing separate buyout offers for Tribune, which has a market value of $8.1 billion, people briefed on their plans said this week. Tribune said last month that it might sell all or some of its assets. The Chandler family, Tribune's largest shareholder, pressed for the move in June after a 19 percent drop in Tribune's share price in the previous five years.
San Dimas, California
Famous citizens
San Dimas's most famous fictional citizens are William "Bill" S. Preston, Esq. (Alex Winter) and Theodore "Ted" Logan (Keanu Reeves), from the movie Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. San Dimas was featured prominently in the movie, and was referred to as "the center of the Universe," although many of the location shots were of various Phoenix, Arizona locales.
Lela Lee, an actress and cartoonist, grew up in San Dimas.
San Dimas is located at 34°6'10" North, 117°48'58" West (34.102908, -117.816249)GR1.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 40.5 km² (15.6 mi²). 40.2 km² (15.5 mi²) of it is land and 0.3 km² (0.1 mi²) of it is water. The total area is 0.77% water.2005
San Dimas is a suburb of Los Angeles about 35 miles east/northeast of the city and of the Pacific Ocean. The Foothill Freeway (I-210) connects it to the San Fernando Valley, and the San Bernardino Freeway (I-10) connects it to downtown Los Angeles.
As of the censusGR2 of 2000, there were 34,980 people, 12,163 households, and 8,988 families residing in the city. The population density was 870.8/km² (2,255.7/mi²). There were 12,503 housing units at an average density of 311.2/km² (806.3/mi²). The racial makeup of the city was 74.66% White, 3.30% African American, 0.69% Native American, 9.39% Asian, 0.21% Pacific Islander, 7.34% from other races, and 4.39% from two or more races. 23.34% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.
There are 12,163 households out of which 35.5% have children under the age of 18 living with them, 57.7% are married couples living together, 11.6% have a female householder with no husband present, and 26.1% are non-families. 21.0% of all households are made up of individuals and 8.7% have someone living alone who is 65 years of age or older. The average household size is 2.78 and the average family size is 3.23.
In the city the population was spread out with 25.5% under the age of 18, 8.9% from 18 to 24, 28.1% from 25 to 44, 25.5% from 45 to 64, and 11.9% who are 65 years of age or older. The median age is 37 years. For every 100 females there were 92.2 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 87.2 males.
The median income for a household in the city was $62,885, and the median income for a family was $72,124. Males had a median income of $53,009 versus $36,057 for females. The per capita income for the city was $28,321. 6.3% of the population and 3.6% of families were below the poverty line. Out of the total population, 5.9% of those under the age of 18 and 11.5% of those 65 and older were living below the poverty line.
San Dimas High School
"San Dimas High School is one of two comprehensive high schools in the Bonita Unified School District. The City of San Dimas is located in the eastern region of Los Angeles County nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. San Dimas High School has the deserved reputation of providing an academically challenging educational program resulting in high student achievement. With the continued strong support for education in our community we expect to maintain this high-level of academic excellence. This web site is part of a continuing program to make school information available to all members of our community. By broadcasting information through the World Wide Web and the Internet, students, teachers, professionals, or simply the curious will have the opportunity to explore San Dimas High School and its many fine programs. " Sources (www.sandimashigh.com)
-High School Football- Contrary to the quote from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure that "San Dimas High School football rules", San Dimas High School's football program is not among the most successful in Los Angeles County.
Their football team, the Saints, plays in the Valle Vista league, which they were the champions of in the 2004 season. The only other championship for the football team was back in 1976. The San Dimas Saints football team's arch rival is Bonita Unified School District's only other high school's football team, the Bonita High School (LaVerne, CA) Bearcats. They participate annually in the "smudge pot game", in which they compete for the privilege of retaining a chrome-plated smudge pot.
-Possible Issues with Administration- It is a rumor that the San Dimas High School administration has been disintegrating, loosing valuable teachers and staff due to mainly poor administration policies. In the last year, the head of the math department, the dean of student activities, the vice principal, two counselors, and the head of the career center left mainly due to this administrations's poor actions and policies; according to some individuals.
Saint Dismas
Don Palomares received a 15000 acre land grant from Governor Alvarado in 1837, which included the land of present day cities Pomona, Claremont, La Verne, Glendora, and San Dimas. This holding was called Rancho San Jose. The northern part of the Rancho was cut through with wild canyons, and while they were of little use for vineyards, beans, and corn, they were an ideal place to house Don Palomares's prize cattle and horses during harsh winters. Due to their distance from the Hacienda, these corrals were often raided by horse thieves and cattle rustlers. Frustrated by the loss of his cattle, Don Palomares began referring to the area as "San Dismas", in hopes that the thieves would turn to Saint Dismas (the patron saint of reformed thieves) and repent of their crimes. In time, the name caught on, and the area was called San Dismas. Eventually, the first 's' was dropped (in error) and the area became known as San Dimas.
Raging Waters
San Dimas is home to Raging Waters theme park, one of the largest water parks in California.
External links
City of San Dimas
San Dimas Chamber of Commerce
San Dimas High School
San Dimas Rodeo
San Dimas Online Community
Maps and aerial photos Coordinates: 34.102908° -117.816249°
Street map from Google Maps, or Yahoo! Maps, or Windows Live Local
Satellite image from Google Maps, Windows Live Local, WikiMapia
Topographic map from TopoZone
Aerial image or topographic map from TerraServer-USA
(SOURCE) Wikipedia
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tribune on the Blogs
The other day, a prominent Los Angeles Times writer whom I very much respect confessed something rather startling to me: that he finds himself in the strange position of actively wishing for David Geffen to buy the newspaper. Perhaps more LAT staffers feel the same way, since the paper keeps dwelling on Geffen's interest in Spring Street in its pages.
Bad News for America....
The report said that some bidders think the Chandler family, the largest shareholder in Tribune after the purchase of Los Angeles' Times Mirror in 2000, would accept a per-share buyout bid in the mid-$30s.
Tribune Protecting Top Employees
Tribune senior vice president for corporate relations Ruthellyn Musil told the Los Angeles Times that these changes were “normal business practices for companies in our situation,’’ adding that no new benefits were added.
Tribune Acts Like Takeover Is in the Works
As leveraged buyout powers circle wounded Tribune Co., the media giant said it had changed its retirement and bonus plans to give certain employees payments if the company undergoes a change of control — a move typically made by firms before they get acquired.
Replate: Get Well John Walker
Los Angeles Times Survey
Last night e-mail arrived from the Los Angeles Times asking if I would take a brief survey. Having taken many other online surveys, that also claimed to be brief, I waited a few moments before giving the Times survey my attention.
I’m happy to report the survey was only five pages long, with the first page asking for the names of seven writers I enjoy reading. The second page consisted of the seven columns I read most often.
The next three pages gave the names of writers, with multiple-choice answers such as, do you recognize this writer, do you read their articles, etc.
Makes me wonder if this might be a way to judge the most popular writers to keep with the newspaper before the cuts take place?
Those Changes
Were it not for coffee and the morning paper, I wouldn't be able to get through the day. Unlike the people who ripped on them in the Opinion LA blog, I don't mind the changes. The big heavy font lends a sense of urgency to the story. The eye is directed to reading it first. And the red for Column One is good --I've always thought the writing in this column was the best, so highlighting it makes sense. I think having the Op-Ed section up front is good as well. Before I used to have to dig for it. It just makes sense to have the 'voice' of the paper and the readers up front.
But I'd like to see the old eagle brought back to the masthead. (Was it the same eagle that's on the Op-Ed section, or was it a different one?)
Have a nice day, everyone. I gotta work.
What About Us?
Today’s Los Angeles Times online edition ran a story regarding Tribune’s board approval of amendments to supplemental retirement, supplemental defined contribution and bonus deferral plans for the elite at Tribune Towers if the company is sold. What about us?
With only sixty-seven days left before this year ends, the answers to our questions will be answered shortly.
Private Or Public? Online Or In Print? - What Will Be The Direction Of Tribune?
Tribune owns eleven daily newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Newsday, Baltimore Sun, Orlando Sentinel and Hoy (published in Spanish language). The company, which has a market capitalization of $8.4 billion, also owns twenty-five TV stations, including KTLA (Los Angeles), WGN (Chicago) and WPIX (New York). Tribune's other properties include Chicago Cubs baseball team and WGN radio.
Threatened by the fast growing Internet, Tribune's stock has seen a slump, losing almost half its value since 2000. In the last two years alone the stock has fallen nearly 40%. Taking into account, the myriad problems confronting the company, Tribune's future however appears difficult to read.
Full Story here.
Tribune to accelerate executive pay on sale
By Thomas S. Mulligan, Times Staff Writer
October 25, 2006
Tribune Co., preparing for a possible sale or major restructuring, has taken steps to make deferred pay and benefits for its top officers and other "highly compensated employees" payable immediately in case of a change of ownership, the company said in a filing Tuesday.
Tribune is the parent of the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Cubs baseball team, KTLA-TV Channel 5 and other media properties.
On Oct. 18, according to the filing, Tribune's board approved amendments to supplemental retirement, supplemental defined contribution and bonus deferral plans to add language relating to a possible takeover of the company.
Complete story here (Registered users)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Times newsroom evacuated
I took a call tonight from a concerned reader, asking if my building was evacuated tonight?
Having no clue what he was talking about I ran a search, using the blogger search, and found that the Times editorial Department was sealed off and the writers and editors departed to the lobby. A LA Times clerk opened an envelope with a powdery white substance on the third floor and notified LA Times security.
Keven Roderick has a link to the CBS story on his blog at LAObserved.
LA Times staff evacuated in white powder scare
Police responded to the newspaper's downtown Los Angeles offices shortly after 7.30 pm after the powder was discovered, Los Angeles Police Sgt James Willis said.
Willis said a police hazardous materials squad was on the scene to test the powder and the clerk who opened the envelope was taken to a local hospital as a precaution.
Deputy Metro Editor Sue Horton, one of about a dozen Times employees forced to leave their offices, said employees were not shaken by the incident.
She said many employees had to remain in the building in case they had been exposed to a hazardous substance that could be transmitted to others.
“The immediate response was a groan because we figured we wouldn't get out of the building for a while,” Horton said.
Privileged Son
IN THESE PAGES, Otis Chandler opened up himself and his family to an outsider's extensive scrutiny for the first time. Otis knew from the outset that he might not always be pleased with my conclusions, and would surely have changed some of the less flattering anecdotes and characterizations had this been his autobiogra- phy or even an "authorized" biography with all the pulled punches that such a phrase implies. The telling of part of his tale—including the breakup of his first marriage, the unforeseen tragedy that befell his eldest son, and his ambivalence about losing control of his Los Angeles Times—was visibly painful for him to dis- cuss. To his credit, he answered questions even when he did not want them asked in the first place. Though frequently tempted otherwise, Otis was ultimately true to the Jeffersonian principles of Western journalism by which he has conducted most of his professional life: try to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they will.
More than once, his candor has landed Otis Chandler in hot water. Over the years, his closed-mouth relatives have lambasted him mercilessly for speaking his mind, which may account in large part for his reluctance to speak at length to an author before now. For several months in the spring and summer of 2000, Otis met with me weekly—usually on a Tuesday. At one point, several weeks into the project, I suggested Tuesdays with Otis as an alternative title for the book. Cau- tion quickly gave way to candor and I soon had the necessary palette from which to paint an accurate portrait of this remarkable, charismatic, and multi- dimensional molder of modern day Los Angeles. To Otis, Bettina, Missy, Harry, Michael, Carolyn, Cathleen, and all the other Chandlers who let down their guard and spoke their truths, I am deeply grateful.
Click on the title to read the book online at Questia
Blogger Status
Tomorrow we will have an outage of 60 minutes from 2p to 3p (Pacific Time) as we perform some hardware repairs.
Posted by Pal at 15:39 PDT
Tan Nguyen, Meet Harry Truman
Full story on Easy Writer
Runaways drummer Sandy West dies at 47
SAN DIMAS, Calif. - Sandy West, whose ferocious drumming fueled the influential all-female `70s rock band the Runaways, which she co-founded with Joan Jett, has died of lung cancer. She was 47.
West died Saturday night at a hospice in San Dimas, east of Los Angeles, her manager Mara Fox said. She was diagnosed a year ago.
West was only 16 when she started the Runaways in 1975 with Jett, a singer and guitarist.
Along with band members Lita Ford and Cherie Currie, they had such hits as "Cherry Bomb" and "Born to Be Bad."
Full Story
Absentee Ballots
For additional information contact the City Clerk Office at 909-394-6216.
City Council to Discuss Vision for Downtown San Dimas
The City Council will hold a special study session on October 24, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 245 East Bonita Avenue to discuss the results of the recent Downtown Charrette process.
A charrette is an intense, collaborative work process, where property owners, merchants, residents, and community members identify issues of concern and together come up with a vision for the project area.
Over the past several weeks, there have been community workshops, walking tours and design sessions that have helped to develop a vision for the future of the San Dimas downtown.
Remaining Downtown Charrette Schedule
Final Presentation to the City Council
Tuesday, October 24 - 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
(San Dimas City Council Chambers)
Macy's Advertising Campaign a Success
Remember the advertising campaign a few weeks ago that caused so much ado when the Times and Macy's used a Spadia roll or wrap around?
Many readers did not care for the way the ad for Macy's fell off the top sheet of the section, but the campaign was successful.
The Times and Macy's gave out free t-shirts to all pressroom personal as a way of saying thank you.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Reviews of the Redesign - LAT Opinion Blog
So how are the critics receiving our A-section redesign?
The Editors Weblog, NewsDesigner.com and the Free Republic offer summaries of the changes, with Free Republic calling it "deck chair rearrangement".
Read entire text and leave your comments here.
Tribune in the News
This is a real improvement.
A New Design in Los Angeles
A redesigned front page and A-section of the Los Angeles Times dropped today, with some bold new typography, more breakouts and some other changes. News Design Director Michael Whitley graciously favored me with some details.
Harsh blow to the L.A. Times ego
Kurt Andersen is a New Yorker, but as the onetime editor-in-chief of a couple of decent magazines (Spy, New York), columnist at others (The New Yorker, Time) and co-founder of the now-defunct Inside.com he has the media chops to analyze the Los Angeles Times.
Officer, I've Been Robbed!
Somebody took my copy of the Los Angeles Times and replaced it with this ugly looking, dumbed down, vapid, piece of...
Tribune Company on the block
So far, three contenders have emerged: one group consisting of Madison Dearborn Partners, Providence Equity Partners, and Apollo Management; a second group consisting of Thomas H. Lee Partners and Texas Pacific Group; and Carlyle Group. It is unclear whether the latter will bid alone or join a consortium of buyers.
Tribune Co. to sell off before year's end.
The Wall Street Journal reports:Private-equity firms team up to prepare bids to buy Tribune Company"Tribune Co. has asked bidders to submit nonbinding indications of interest in the company by the end of the month
Tribune Investor Could Be Pivotal
John W. Rogers Jr., the founder, chairman and chief investment officer of mutual fund company Ariel Capital Management, is an avowed admirer of investing superstar Warren E. Buffett, who once described his average holding period for a stock as "forever."
Hastening the end of traditional media ownership
The Tribune Company is putting itself up for auction... auction! Like it's a Xanadu mansion repossessed from a bankrupt business baron.
The Changes: Read it, Got it.
So in case I was wondering, the explanation in today's Opinon section clarifies that the Letters Section is for letters. The intention of this was to reveal the process of picking those for publication, while others are available for viewing only online. Conversely, there are letters worth shredding and those letter writers are best contributing to the boneyard of fleeting thoughts, the LA Times opinion blog . Just remember that The Times doesn’t have room for letters over 150 words. Think about that the next time you're channeling Leo Tolstoy when writing about the war in Iraq.
Show, don't tell. I could hear the drum and fife as I read the statement of principles. They issue maxims, such as "Engagement with the rest of the world is a requirement of good citizenship." It reads like a manifesto --overblown and wordy. Couldn't they have edited their own verbal flabbiness so that it could be printed into a font that the average person could read without the aid of a magnifying glass? Maybe next time they’ll opt for the better version, which is to let Matt Welch summarize the explanation with a less paternal approach.
Announcing our fundraising scheme
Chihuahua from American Reading Glasses. Click on the link to see their site.
Bids for Tribune Co. Coming In
The Journal article continues: "The company has asked that bidders submit nonbinding indications of interest by the end of the month, say people familiar with the matter. So far, three main contenders have emerged, these people say. One group consists of Madison Dearborn Partners, Providence Equity Partners and Apollo Management. A second is an alliance of Thomas H. Lee Partners and Texas Pacific Group. Carlyle Group is also active in the process, though it is unclear whether it will participate on its own or jump into a different bidding camp.
"Similarly, these groupings could change or expand as the potential bidders do more investigation into Chicago-based Tribune, which counts the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune and Newsday among its newspaper holdings. The company also owns 25 television stations, the Chicago Cubs, and a number of other media holdings. The company's hope is to conclude its sales process by year's end, though like any auction, it is subject to the vagaries of market and financing conditions. And its preference is to sell off the company as a whole, though it may be willing to break off pieces if those pieces can fetch prices that would cover any resulting tax bills."
The rest of the article can be found at: Wall Street Journal
Tribune Shares Up
Tribune draws interest from equity firms
CHICAGO (MarketWatch) -- Newspaper publisher and broadcaster Tribune Co., currently considering strategic options that might include a sale of the company, could receive bids from several private-equity firms this month, according to a published report Monday.
Tribune shares were up 2.3% to $33.04 in morning trading.
Tribune (TRB) is drawing interest from three factions, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Jump to full story.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
San Jose Mercury News Staff Reductions
Letter from the publisher (George Riggs) can be read here.
Chandler's prized collection sold
How much was Otis Chandler's storied collection of vintage automobiles and motorcycles worth?
More than $36 million, as it turns out. At least, that's what bidders hailing from as far away as Europe and Asia collectively agreed to pay Saturday for the late Los Angeles Times publisher's collection at an Oxnard auction.
Jump to complete article.
What Do You Think of the A-Section Redesign?
Above-the-masthead sky boxes, a thousand headline-fonts blooming, a mix of 21st century sass and old-timey newspaper ALL-CAPS ... plus an intriguing note from new Publisher David Hiller. Thumbs up? Thumbs down?
And stay tuned tomorrow for the Opinion Section's inaugural appearance in the back of the A section, which will be accompanied by various editor's-note explainers and manifestos letting you know the who, where, when, why and how of what we do.
Leave your comments here.
Eugene Edwards Band
Last Saturday night after our dinner was completed we stopped in the bar at Taix, and heard there would be a few live bands playing.
I just love live music, so I could not resist the chance to hear some music, and it was well worth the wait.
Eugene Edwards and band played a lively set of pop for about ninety minutes, and this young man is full of energy and a natural entertainer.
Click on the link to see where else he is playing in Los Angeles, you'll enjoy his music.
Finding People on the Blog
Occasionally good things happen because of this blog, here's the latest positive story.
About six weeks ago an e-mail arrived regarding our fellow member Gary Connaught, from a man claiming to be a former shipmate of Gary's.
Not knowing the person I was not about to give out any info regarding Gary's address or phone number.
When I saw Gary at our dinner last week I asked if he knew Ed Schafer, and he was shocked that I mentioned Ed's name. Gary responded in the positive, and then asked how I knew Ed? I told him he e-mailed me about contacts for himself.
Seems the two were discharged from the Navy in 1956, and usually saw one another at Navy reunions, but Gary missed the fifty year anniversary because of the passing of his mother.
The two are now back in touch with one another, thanks to the blog.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
And in Closing
LOS ANGELES, Oct 20, 2006 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- To draw readers deeper into its extensive news and entertainment coverage and better serve the diverse Southern California marketplace, the Los Angeles Times has redesigned its two most widely read sections, with an enhanced main news section launching Sunday, Oct. 22, and Sunday Calendar on Oct. 29.
New reality for NBC Uni
NBC Universal on Thursday outlined a sweeping restructuring plan that will cut 700 jobs throughout the company and save $750 million annually in an effort to remake the company in the digital world.
Gilbert Cranberg: Timidity at Work
When Jay Harris quit in 2001 as publisher of the San Jose Mercury News rather than make cuts he believed would harm the paper, he was invited to speak to the annual meeting of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, where he received an enthusiastic standing ovation. When the LA Times publisher and editor recently balked at cuts for the same reason, ASNE was silent. Nor have the Society of Professional Journalists, Associated Press Managing Editors or National Conference of Editorial Writers been heard from.
Dean Baquet's Alamo
Some have called it an "Alamo strategy." The editor of the L.A. Times, Dean Baquet, has boldly drawn a line in the sand against his own employers, saying he refuses to make $10 million in cuts being demanded by the Tribune Company.
"Manhattan Project" Shelved! "Spring Street Project" Rises From Ashes!
Matt Welch writes:
We continue to break crucial news for you here at Opinion L.A. about the L.A. Times' ongoing super-duper research project to figure out how to keep readers from burning their subscription cards, and how to transform a 940-employee newsroom into the New New Journalism-Company Thing. (For background, and very lively reader commentary, please consult Parts One, Two and Three.)
Today's shocker? "The Manhattan Project" has been vaporized as a name. The two-month quest will heretofore be known as "The Spring Street Project," in honor of the street bordering the Times that's closest to skid row, and which has become a shorthand of sorts for outsiders to refer to the House That Chandlers Built. Details of the nomenclature process were obscure as of press time, but we have it on excellent authority that "The Manhattan Beach Project" was popular among some participants, and that no one besides your humble narrator was agitating too loudly for "The Manhappenin' Beach Project." The latter is, of course, a tragedy.
Jump over to the Times Opinion Page and read the entire column, and leave a comment as well.
A-Section Redesign Launches This Weekend
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 1:46 PM
To: zzAll LATimes Employees
Subject: A-Section Redesign Launches This Weekend
(Managers and supervisors: Please share this information with your employees who do not have e-mail. Thank you.)
Starting this weekend, you will notice major changes in the appearance of our paper. On Sundays, pictures at the top of the page will highlight stories and sections inside. Headlines will come in a greater variety of styles and sizes. On inside pages, more boxes and graphics will offer background on major news stories.
On weekdays, the changes are even more pronounced. Column One, long a showcase for our best story-telling, will be presented more dramatically. And the weekday and Saturday editorial pages will move from the California section to the main news section.
These changes will highlight our best work, make our paper more visually engaging and help our readers find whatever interests them throughout the paper. You will see more changes in the coming months, all the result of much study of what our readers have told us they want from The Times.
To view sample prototypes of the A-section's new design, log on to TimesLink.
Downtown Street Closures Planned for Sunday, October 22
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 2:25 PM
To: zzAll LATimes Employees
Subject: Downtown Street Closures Planned for Sunday, October 22
(Managers and supervisors: Please share this information with your employees who do not have e-mail. Thank you.)
October 20, 2006
This Sunday, October 22, most of the streets adjacent to The Times' downtown facilities will be closed from 11:00 a.m. until midnight, due to a planned protest march and demonstration.
The Los Angeles County Department of Transportation (DOT) has indicated that the following streets will be closed:
· Broadway - From 1st Street to 11th Street.
· Main Street - From 1st Street to Aliso Street.
· Los Angeles Street - From 1st Street to Aliso Street.
· Temple Street - From Spring Street to Alameda Street.
· 1st Street - From Broadway to Main Street.
· 2nd Street - From Broadway to Alameda Street.
Spring Street, between 2nd and 3rd streets, is currently scheduled to remain open all day on Sunday.
All employees who come to work on Sunday should be prepared to present their Los Angeles Times identification badge to Department of Transportation personnel to be allowed access past street barricades.
Los Angeles Times security personnel will also be on hand on Sunday to help DOT officers identify and assist Times employees in getting past the barricades and gaining entrance into The Times' 213 Spring Street garage.
The recommended route to access the parking garage is to proceed west on 2nd Street, turn left on Spring Street and then enter the garage on Spring Street.
If you have any questions or need further information, please call The Times' Security Office at 213-237-3303.
Mark Kurtich
Santa Monica Farmers Market Verdict
Media News
Nevertheless, the corporate-ownership model may be reaching the end of its useful life in the newspaper business. The Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News have been sold to a local group. The Chicago-based Tribune Co. is under pressure to sell the Los Angeles Times to L.A. investors. Why not here?
Liberal newspapers see falling revenue
At Tribune, revenue fell to $1.35 billion, a 2.5 percent decline from a year earlier; revenue from print advertising fell 2.2 percent, mostly because of weak sales at Newsday.
Editor for Newsday.com/ Long Island
This is an opportunity to be among the elite group that will lead Newsday.com, the award-winning site for Newsday, the area’s leading provider of local news, information, and entertainment vital to Long Island. The Long Island Editor for Newsday.com will help lead Newsday.com by setting the editorial direction of one of the largest news and information web sites. In this role you will also work closely with the newspaper on integration plans that will help streamline of newsgathering and production.
Black Fridays Ahead for Mainstream Media
Third quarter results were terrible in a bull market. Layoffs have to hit before the holidays.
Finke/LA Weekly: Dean of Sycophants
"I’m not very popular on Spring Street nowadays. (Then again, I wasn’t much liked when I worked there either.) An editor at the Los Angeles Times just accused me of “wanting the death” of the paper.
Left Trembling at Los Angeles Times Shake-Up
What the L.A. Times desperately needs is cost-cutting and some balance in its reporting.
LA Times columnist sees survival of newspapers now at stake
NEARLY 90 years ago, Walter Lippmann wrote, "The newspaper is in all itsliteralness the bible of democracy, the book out of which a peopledetermines its conduct."
Tribune, NYT Report Sluggish Advertising
Newspaper Publishers Tribune, New York Times Report Slower Advertising in Third Quarter
NEW YORK (AP) -- Newspaper publishers delivered more discouraging news Thursday as Tribune Co. and The New York Times Co. both reported sluggish advertising revenue in the third quarter.
Tribune said it was still on track to decide on a restructuring strategy by the end of the year. The Times, meanwhile, downplayed speculation that it was considering a leveraged buyout.
Sharing Space
The group calls themselves The Gay Law Enforcement Motorcycle Association, and they were dressed in leather chaps and other motorcycle looking uniforms.
Several looked like real motorcycle policemen, and Jesse Rogers was overheard in the men's restroom asking what police department they were from.
Tribune 2006 Third Quarter Results
Third quarter 2006 results from continuing operations included the following:
-- A net non-operating gain of $.22 per diluted share, $.19 of which
relates to the restructuring in September of TMCT, LLC and TMCT II,
LLC, two partnerships that Tribune inherited in its acquisition of
Times Mirror. Tribune recorded a one-time gain of $48 million, net of
tax, as a result of this transaction.
Third quarter 2005 results from continuing operations included the following:
-- A net non-operating loss of $.43 per diluted share related primarily to
an adverse tax ruling disallowing the 1998 tax-free reorganization of
Matthew Bender, a former subsidiary of Times Mirror. Tribune inherited
the preexisting tax dispute in its acquisition of Times Mirror.
Local Media Cutbacks
The Orange County Register will give buyouts to one third of it's 1,600 workforce with no layoffs planned.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Newpaper Updates
CHICAGO -- Newspaper publisher and broadcaster Tribune Co. on Thursday said that the new CW television network is "off to a promising start." Tribune Chairman Dennis FitzSimons told analysts during the company's third-quarter earnings call that the network, formed this fall as the WB and UPN networks were shut down, is benefiting from the ratings generated by the reality series "America's Next Top Model," which "is beating all competitors in the target demo of women 18 to 34" in the company's top three markets, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. CW shows have also helped Tribune's 16 affiliated stations have stronger ratings for their late newscasts.
New York Times profit drops 39%
CHICAGO -- New York Times Co. on Thursday said its third-quarter profit fell 39% on advertising weakness, charges related to job cuts and a loss on the sale of its investment in the Discovery Times Channel. The company also reclassified results from its television stations as "discontinued operations" now that it plans to sell them. New York Times said it earned $14 million, or 10 cents a share, compared with a profit of $23.1 million, or 16 cents a share, in the prior year. The figure in the latest three months includes staff reduction costs of 3 cents a share, and the Discovery Times Channel loss also totaled 3 cents a share. Revenue fell 2.4% to $739.6 million as ad revenue dropped 4.2%. Analysts polled by Thomson First Call were looking for a profit of 12 cents a share on revenue of $786.9 million. (Corrects characterization of broadcast stations that are being sold by the company.)
Belo profit slips, charges weigh
CHICAGO - Belo Corp. on Thursday posted a decline in third-quarter profit, hurt by weakness at its newspaper group. Net income fell to $19.2 million, or 19 cents a share, from $22.1 million, or 20 cents a share. The 2006 results include 3 cents a share in severance charges, 6 cents a share related to technology initiatives, and 2 cents a share related to stock-based compensation. Net operating revenue rose to $376.4 million from $373.2 million. Analysts, on average, expected to earn 18 cents a share on revenue of $386 million, according to Thomson First Call. Consolidated revenue for September decreased 1.7%.
Tribune 3Q Earnings Up on One-Time Gain
Excluding the one-time gain, earnings were below Wall Street's expectations.
Jump to complete story.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tribune Declares Quarterly Dividend
Reinventing the Los Angeles Times
Keven Roderick answered an email questionnaire seeking online community users, at the newspapers online edition.
And you can leave your thoughts on the Times Opinion Blog as well, or read the comments others have left.
Los Angeles Times Blogs
Opinion L.A. by Matt Welch
The best in Southern California opinion journalism, Monday through Friday
The Movable Buffet
Dispatches from Las Vegas by Richard Abowitz
The Daily Traveler
James Gilden's News To Smooth the Road Well-Traveled
Hollywood Bytes
by Elizabeth Snead
School Me! Adventures in Education
Various Writers
Postcards From Paris
Susan Spano writes about living in the City of Light.
Oscar Beat
by Steve Pond
Lakers Blog
Round-the-Clock Purple and Gold written by Andrew and Brian Kamenetzky
Gold Derby
by Tom O'Neil
101 Days at Sea
Janet Eastman cruises the far corners of the globe, teaching students along the way.
Generating Waste at the Newspaper
As a press operator at the Los Angeles Times I'm constantly reminded to keep my waste down. Just twelve days ago I was told management is unhappy with my high amount of waste generated by my crew.
At the top is the machine that carries my completed newspapers to the mailroom, called the Ferag. Our Ferag's are in need of attention if I'm to lower my waste.
Yesterday I took the advice of our vice-president of production (Russ Newton) and used the secondary Ferag to carry my newspapers to their destination. The Ferag on the press I ran yesterday generally drops about two-thousand copies, that can not be sent to subscribers, but the secondary Ferag dropped over two-thousand five hundred copies, or accounted for fifty percent of my total waste for the day.
I enter this information on my hard copy operator report and my electronic operator report, yet nothing seems to be getting any better.
Instead of looking at the press operator as the cause for waste, lets repair the equipment gentlemen.
(Ferag equipment updates are planned for the very near future as funding becomes available.)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Newspaper News
Newspapers are all looking for ways to gain readers, and many have hired consultants to help them. In an unusual twist, The Los Angeles Times is looking to chart its future by using its own reporters and editors, who rank among the best investigators in the business.
The Times is dedicating three investigative reporters and half a dozen editors to find ideas, at home and abroad, for re-engaging the reader, both in print and online. The newspaper’s editor, Dean Baquet, and its new publisher, David Hiller, plan to convene a meeting today to start the effort, which is being called the Manhattan Project. A report is expected in about two months.
The Start of a Disturbing Trend?
Here's an interesting story which may signal the start of a very disturbing trend. In what is clearly a reaction to more and more people turning to online sources as their primary information outlets, The Boston Globe, the paper of record for Boston and arguably most of New England, is proposing to its employees a new contract that would tie wages to the paper's financial performance. The Boston Newspaper Guild, a union representing nearly 1000 editorial staff is voting today whether or not to take the deal.
Online Publishing:Focus on Newspapers
The online newspaper industry reached a benchmark in 2004: $1 billion in revenues, the majority from advertising. Although no small achievement, the major portals alone—Yahoo!, Google, AOL and MSN—generate more than eight times as much advertising revenue as the entire online newspaper industry.
Toronto Star Editor and Publisher Resign
When outgoing Toronto Start publisher Michael Goldbloom said his resignation, announced yesterday along with that of editor-in-chief Giles Gherson, stems from "numerous structural pressures facing the industry," I think he meant the falling advertising and sales and circulation revenue that's plagued the paper recently.
A USAToday report says that teens get their news from TV and the Internet. Half of all high school students get news online at least once a week, but teens rate TV as the easiest news source to use. And the most accurate.
McClatchy CEO: Firm not interested in Tribune
(Reuters) — McClatchy Co.'s chief executive said on Tuesday that the company is not interested in buying troubled publisher Tribune Co.