Friday, October 20, 2006

"Manhattan Project" Shelved! "Spring Street Project" Rises From Ashes!

The Los Angeles Times Manhattan Project has crumbled after having a shelf life of eight or nine days, to rise again as Spring Street Project. Down the street from Tribune West (formerly Times Mirror Square) the prodution facility is in need of immediate attention, we should borrow the name (Manhattan Project) and start giving the machinery some much needed cashflow.

Matt Welch writes:

We continue to break crucial news for you here at Opinion L.A. about the L.A. Times' ongoing super-duper research project to figure out how to keep readers from burning their subscription cards, and how to transform a 940-employee newsroom into the New New Journalism-Company Thing. (For background, and very lively reader commentary, please consult Parts One, Two and Three.)

Today's shocker? "The Manhattan Project" has been vaporized as a name. The two-month quest will heretofore be known as "The Spring Street Project," in honor of the street bordering the Times that's closest to skid row, and which has become a shorthand of sorts for outsiders to refer to the House That Chandlers Built. Details of the nomenclature process were obscure as of press time, but we have it on excellent authority that "The Manhattan Beach Project" was popular among some participants, and that no one besides your humble narrator was agitating too loudly for "The Manhappenin' Beach Project." The latter is, of course, a tragedy.

Jump over to the Times Opinion Page and read the entire column, and leave a comment as well.

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